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RE: Sweaters in Progress

Congratulations on getting back to your UFOs. I was unaware of your traumatic event but am 100% behind you for getting back to more intricate tasks! Way to go! Your sweaters will be gorgeous. I am well acquainted with ripping out!


One of my daughters died unexpectedly. My brain could only handle simple, repetitive tasks for a while. Glad that God sustained me and there is still life to be lived. !BBH

My heart goes out to you <3 I am so very happy to hear that you have returned to living as close to normal a life as possible. God has indeed sustained you in a way only He can!

@tamaralovelace! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @fiberfrau. (2/5)