Captured before death...original writing [ENG/ESP]

in Splinterlandslast year

Captured before death.jpg

Selena had never seen Gloridax fight, but in the empire it was rumored of his good skills, usually the mages serve more as support to empower the troops and cast spells of protection, there are few who face a one on one combat, but it is sensed that all are prepared to do so at the time it is necessary.

While Selena healed her beast the combat began, Gloridax approached Mylor and proposed a melee battle, this surprised the master of the thorns who did not expect a direct attack, even so his good reflexes helped him to evade most of the blows.

Selena was surprised, but at the same time she had her spear ready to attack if necessary, the wounds of her beast began to heal and it stopped bleeding. The ointments prepared in the dragon empire were some of the best, they had unknown plants but their healing effects could be felt immediately.

Spirit of the forest watched without being noticed, she usually does not like to fight, but being the guardian she has a hidden power that no one knows, there are not even records of it because she has always stayed away from the fighting.

In the palace several dragons were knocked down, thanks to the warning that was previously given to them they were able to place traps and many of them fell without the kingdom suffering any damage. This left the strength of the invaders quite reduced, but because in the land kingdom they loved peace, all were captured and suffered no damage, not even their riders, a fortune that would not run in other more aggressive kingdoms.

The fight continued and Gloridax had scored good blows, however Mylor was turning the fight around, the master of the thorns was enjoying the moment and controlling it by means of quick counterattacks that his rival could not decipher.

Mylor battle.jpg

You are good, said Mylor, Gloridax answered: You haven't even seen half of my power, after that he began to combine his attacks with magic and managed to hit Mylor hard, who was shaken by the blast and fell to the ground.

Very well said Selena, then she said in a loud voice: My dragon is recovered, let's go!
But suddenly Gloridax lost his posture, to his surprise he had a thorn stuck in the right side of his chest, fortunately for him it didn't pierce his back but it did a good damage. Selena ran towards him and helped him, after that they turned towards the dragon, but suddenly they heard a voice behind them.

Where do you think you are going? This question was asked by Mylor who was already standing up, after that he continued, this attack was excellent, but it is not enough to defeat me, you will have to do better than that my friend.

Selena turned around and prepared to attack, but Gloridax stopped her, pushed her aside and asked her not to interfere. She then began to use magic and attacked her rival with energy spheres. Mylor evaded them and thought within herself to get closer to counterattack, it was then when she began to use her thorns, with them she formed shield-like barriers to repel the magical attacks and at the same time she made her way to get closer to her enemy.

Selena ran to take her spear, then mounted her dragon and prepared to charge Mylor, she was just waiting for the right moment to do it. The latter was getting closer and closer to Gloridax, and when he was within his reach he could deliver a solid blow to break his guard and then proceeded to pierce his heart with the thorns, however he noticed that Selena was heading towards him at high speed.


Oh no! He exclaimed, I won't be able to dodge it, just at that moment Gloridax attacked him with a magical blow, a right that made him stagger his legs, Mylor about to fall to the ground, he affirmed himself and with his left hand he stuck his thorns in Gloridax's chest and with his right hand he threw several at Selena, this one enraged to see her friend fall managed to evade them and took height, but when she rushed to attack Mylor she was repelled by a magical power that made her fall to the ground unconscious.

Mylor turned around and next to him was Spirit of the forest, she had saved him, so he was grateful for that. The latter disappeared and instantly warriors from the kingdom appeared to take away the invaders, among them Prince Rennyn.

I see you are hurt," said the Prince.

Yes, a little, that wizard was a worthy adversary, replied the master of thorns. Then he asked, What will you do with them?

Rennyn told him, Scarred wants to interrogate them, I, I still don't know what I will do, the only record we have of the dragons tells us that they are a rather large empire, judging by who attacked us, they are just a few soldiers.

Mylor made a grimace, after that he indicated, the war is difficult, fighting the dragons will not be easy.

Don't worry, you heard, who is there? replied the Prince.

Quickly appeared in front of them Air Elemental, and said: I come from the kingdom of light, the dragons attacked us before you, by order of Paladium I am here, he ordered me to follow them, but I see that you have managed to capture them.

That's right, answered Rennyn, you can tell Paladium not to worry, we will take care of it, and if possible we will visit you, because we would like to hear your thoughts on the matter.

Very well replied the envoy, after that he left. Mylor said to Rennyn, this looks bad, let's go to Scarred and see what to do. After that the warriors marched towards the palace.


The kingdom of earth had managed to capture the invaders, now it remained to wait for them to wake up to interrogate them and decide what to do with them, while that awaited Spirit of the forest walked around the kingdom singing with his sweet voice.

To be continued...

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The cover image has been edited in Adobe Photoshop using elements from the game.

The story images have been created with artificial intelligence and edited in Adobe Photoshop

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Capturados antes de morir

Selena jamás había visto luchar a Gloridax, pero en el imperio se rumoreaba de sus buenas habilidades, por lo general los magos sirven más como apoyo para potenciar las tropas y hacer hechizos de protección, son pocos los que encaran un combate uno a uno, pero se intuye que todos estan preparados para hacerlo en el momento que sea necesario.

Mientras Selena curaba a su bestia el combate dio inicio, Gloridax se acercó a Mylor y propuso una batalla cuerpo a cuerpo, esto sorprendió un poco al amo de las espinas quien no se esperaba un ataque directo, aun asi sus buenos reflejos le ayudaron a evadir la mayoría de los golpes.

Selena estaba sorprendida, pero a su vez tenía su lanza lista para atacar si era necesario, las heridas de su bestia comenzaron a sanar y esta dejo de sangrar. Los ungüentos que se preparaban en el imperio dragón eran de los mejores, tenían plantas desconocidas pero sus efectos curativos se podían palpar de inmediato.

Spirit of the forest observaba sin que la notaran, por lo general no le gusta luchar, pero al ser la guardiana tiene un poder oculto que nadie conoce, ni siquiera hay registros de ello pues siempre se ha mantenido al margen de los combates.

En el palacio varios dragones eran derribados, gracias al aviso que les fue dado previamente pudieron colocar trampas y muchos de ellos caían sin que el reino sufriera daño alguno. Esto dejaba la fuerza de los invasores bastante reducidas, pero debido a que en el reino de tierra amaban la paz, todos eran capturados y no sufrían daño, ni siquiera sus jinetes, una fortuna que no correrían en otros reinos más agresivos.

El combate continuaba y Gloridax había acertado buenos golpes, sin embargo Mylor estaba dando vuelta a la pelea, el amo de las espinas disfrutaba el momento y lo controlaba por medio de contraataques rápidos que su rival no podía descifrar.

Eres bueno, dijo Mylor, Gloridax respondió: No has visto ni siquiera la mitad de mi poder, luego de eso comenzó a combinar sus ataques con magia y logro golpear fuertemente a Mylor quien sacudido por la ráfaga cayó al suelo.

Muy bien sostuvo Selena, luego dijo en alta voz: Mi dragón está recuperado, ¡vámonos!
Pero repentinamente Gloridax perdió su postura, para su sorpresa tenía una espina clavada en la parte derecha de su pecho, afortunadamente para él no le traspaso la espalda pero le hizo un buen daño. Selena corrió hacia él y lo ayudo, luego de eso se dieron vuelta hacia el dragón, pero de repente escucharon una voz detrás de ellos.

¿Hacia dónde creen que van? Esta pregunta le hizo Mylor quien ya estaba de pie, luego de eso prosiguió, este ataque fue excelente, pero no es suficiente para vencerme, tendrás que hacer algo mejor que eso amigo.

Selena se dio vuelta y se preparó para atacar, pero Gloridax la detuvo, la hizo a un lado y le pidió que no se entrometiera. Acto seguido comenzó a usar magia y con esferas de energía atacaba a su rival. Mylor las evadía y pensaba dentro de sí en acercarse para contraatacar, fue en ese entonces cuando comenzó a utilizar sus espinas, con ellas formaba barreras tipo escudo para repeler los ataques mágicos y a su vez se abría camino para acercarse a su enemigo.

Selena corrió a tomar su lanza, luego monto su dragón y se preparó para embestir a Mylor, solo estaba esperando el momento indicado para hacerlo. Este último se acercaba cada vez más a Gloridax, y cuando lo tuvo a su alcance pudo propinar un golpe sólido para romperle la guardia y seguido de ello procedió a traspasar su corazón con las espinas, sin embargo noto que Selena se dirigía hacia el a gran velocidad.

Oh no! Exclamo, no podre esquivarla, justo en ese momento Gloridax lo ataco con un golpe mágico, un derechazo que le hizo tambalear las piernas, Mylor a punto de caer al suelo se afirmó y con su mano izquierda clavo sus espinas en el pecho de Gloridax y con su mano derecha lanzo varias a Selena, esta enfurecida por ver caer a su amigo logro evadirlas y tomo altura, pero cuando se abalanzo para atacar a Mylor fue repelida por un poder mágico que la hizo caer al suelo inconsciente.

Mylor volteo y a su lado estaba Spirit of the forest, ella lo había salvado, asi que le estuvo agradecido por ello. Esta última desapareció y al instante aparecieron guerreros del reino para llevarse a los invasores, entre ellos el Príncipe Rennyn.

Veo que estas herido, dijo el Príncipe

Si, un poco, ese mago fue un digno adversario, respondió el amo de las espinas. Luego pregunto, ¿Qué harás con ellos?

Rennyn le dijo, Scarred quiere interrogarlos, yo, aun no sé qué hare, el único registro que tenemos de los dragones nos indica que son un imperio bastante grande, a juzgar por quienes nos atacaron, son solo unos soldados.

Mylor hizo una mueca, luego de eso indico, la guerra es difícil, luchar contra los dragones no será sencillo.

No se preocupen, escucharon, ¿Quién está allí? replico el Príncipe

Rápidamente apareció frente a ellos Air Elemental, y les dijo: vengo del reino de la luz, los dragones nos atacaron antes que a ustedes, por mandamiento de Paladium estoy aquí, me ordeno seguirlos, pero veo que ustedes han logrado capturarlos.

Asi es, respondió Rennyn, puede decirle a Paladium que no se preocupe, nosotros nos haremos cargo, y de ser posible les visitaremos, pues nos gustaría oír sus pensamientos al respecto.

Muy bien respondió el enviado, luego de eso se marchó. Mylor dijo a Rennyn, esto pinta mal, vayamos donde Scarred y veamos qué hacer. Luego de eso los guerreros marcharon hacia el palacio.

El reino de tierra había logrado capturar a los invasores, ahora quedaba esperar que despertasen para interrogarlos y decidir qué hacer con ellos, mientras eso aguardaba Spirit of the forest se paseaba por todo el reino cantando con su dulce voz.


Splinterlands es el mejor juego #play2earn que existe.

La imagen de la portada ha sido editada en Adobe Photoshop usando elementos del juego.

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