Got my First Diamond rated Wolf | theHunter: Call of the Wild

in Hive Gaming9 months ago

Hello, gamers. Welcome back to my blog.

One of my least explored maps in 'theHunter: Call of the Wild' is the 'Cautro Colinas Game Reserve'. I had just unlocked a handful of outposts and a couple of watch towers but it was all about to change as I picked up my ATV and went out to complete a mission on the other side of the map.

One of my active missions was to go to the southwestern part of the reserve, a whooping 7 km from my current location, and hunt down 2 Wolves that were roaming too close to the outposts there.

I bought the ATV recently as a DLC and it is perfect for going far-off places quickly you have to run on foot and it would take hours lol

I selected many checkpoints on this long journey some were lookout points which unlock the secrets (best hunting locations, outposts etc.) of the surrounding areas.

One of the interesting lookout points was on top of a mining site and it provided a spectacular view of the land below.

I almost got myself killed while trying to get off that cliff. Had to apply hard brakes. To be fair, I wasn't much sure if I could survive this drop but it wasn't worth the risk... no way I was travelling to this point again from my last outpost.

I had to go around the mountain to get down safely. On my long journey, I crossed some forested patches, went through the farms, crossed a big river and unlocked many outposts.

I had to take a rest in one of the outposts as the sun was starting to get low and I didn't want myself caught in the dark.

A big challenge was before me, there was a huge river that passed right through the middle of the reserve and I had to cross it somehow. There were no bridges in sight and the nearest one I saw was far away. Well, I had no choice but to go there and make my long journey even longer.

All this time, I saw no wildlife, my ATV was making so loud noise that they could hear it from far away and just flee. But one deer might be half deaf as it ran passed me, I tried to follow it and Let's see if I can get a kill by ramming my ATV xD

But the deer was faster than my bike and ran off into the woods never to be seen again.

Finally, after riding my ATV for so long, I was in the area where I had to hunt down 2 wolves to complete my mission.

One of the funniest things that happened was when a Roe deer got stunned by seeing me running towards it. It stood there in shock and didn't even move a

I guess it accepted death at that point and I quickly switched to my Shotgun and shot it almost point-blank range. Poor guy, at least it was a super quick death!

And guess what, this kill got me to enough shotgun score to unlock a powerful scope for the shotgun. It takes a lot of shotgun kills to unlock this one and I am happy with it to have it finally.

I went to the nearest outpost and purchased it. Scopes are a crucial part of the game and having powerful scopes helps you a lot in getting those accurate shots.

Okay, back to Wolf hunting. I was looking all over the place for a sign of them: tracks, droppings, need zones... anything would help in locating them.

In the meantime, I saw a flock of Ring-Necked Pheasant.

I killed three of them, 2 males and one female... they were slow to respond to my shots. Males have bright colourful feathers all over the body while females are dull, and brownish in colour.

I built a couple of hunting towers which will stay there and I can come back and hunt from there... but at that time, there was none around, maybe everyone got scared away from my shots earlier.

I looked at the Codex to see more info on Wolves, The species of wolf we have on this map is called 'Iberian Wolf', they are more active during dusk and dawn and are found in forested areas.

So, I went to such a place and kept looking for clues. It was a good decision to come here as I heard the howling of the wolf. I knew I was close.

Pretty soon, I saw a wolf around 150 meters from me... his status indicated that he was fleeing but he stood there perhaps, thinking whether to attack or not.

I had a powerful weapon with me, my handy 7 mm magnum rifle which was more than enough to take it down with just one shot. Doesn't matter if it is a vital shot or not. He was facing me and I took the shot.

It was a headshot which is a bad shot while hunting as you would not want to damage the trophy organ of your kill. It would have taken some time for him to go down from that shot so I took another shot, this time it hit the lungs and he died right at the spot.

This was the first and I still had to hunt one more to complete my mission. While I was looking for the next one, I found a curious Roe deer who was coming right towards me. This was a good time to test my new shotgun scope.

That was just a small female and it gave me no trophy but the XP and cash are still worth the kill!

Sometime after my last kill, a herd of Wild Boar came running. It was like they were running from a predator and going in all directions. I tried to kill one of the slower ones with my bow but I missed. Hitting moving targets with a bow is not easy.

I switched to my shotgun and got one of them.

There was still no sign of wolf so I kept moving and exploring new places. And finally, I saw one sitting under a tree, he was resting alone. It was not their hunting time so they were not in packs I guess.

When I spotted it with my binoculars, I saw that it was a class 9, legendary which means it could be the super rare "diamond" trophy. They are so rare and reading a Reddit forum on how rare are diamonds, I saw someone said there are around 1500-3000 animals in the map and only about 4-6 diamonds... so they are quite rare.

I was so pumped as I never saw a diamond potential wolf on this map. I could still ruin the diamond trophy if I miss any of the harvest checks. So, using proper weapons/ammo, hitting a vital organ, killing the animal with no more than 2 shots and not damaging the trophy organ are all the things I have to keep in mind.

Luckily, he was sitting and I had a good shot and aimed just at his lungs.

My bullet punctured through both of his lungs and he died right on the spot. When I harvested him, I saw the diamond trophy and I was so happy. My first diamond kill after a long long time.

Check this out @morenow. I got a diamond Wolf!!!

This also completed my mission and everything worked out perfectly in the end. My long journey on the ATV bike was worth it! This has to be one of the most successful hunting sessions for me. It was a long one but an enjoyable one.

I ended my game by taking a picture of Sheru and I guess he was happy for me too. (doesn't seem like it though XD)

Thanks for reading...

Until next hunt...


  • All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
  • Hive gaming text divider from Raizel posted in Hivegaming Discord Server.
  • Screenshots are from the game, theHunter: Call of the Wild.

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I liked your post friend and how funny it was when the deer stayed still looking at you hahahaha, I see that you have the dog as a companion if I'm not mistaken it chases the animals when you shoot it but sometimes it makes a little noise. and it scares them away, I know this because a friend plays this same game

 9 months ago  

Yes, the dog helps me to track down those injured animals who take time to die. He makes some noise which can be an issue but you can command it to sit or lay down when an animal is close.

That deer encounter was funny for


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 9 months ago  

Thank you, IU 🙏

An excellent hunting day, some funny and peculiar things, but the best of all my friend, was that Diamond trophy you got, I am happy for that achievement, it really is very difficult to get a diamond trophy, many congratulations, you made a clean shot at that beautiful wolf.

I haven't got my first diamond yet, I have several gold pieces for now.

I'm practicing archery and I'm terrible XD.

I love your adventures in this game, I look forward to the next installment.

 9 months ago  

I got lucky as the wolf was just sitting silently. I had the time to take a good shot.

Archery is not easy at all... one thing you can do is hide under tress/bushes and use deer caller and when those deer comes very close only than take the shot. You have to be very patient for this kind of approach.

When are we playing together again??


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I am not a fan of this type of game, but this is a very good approach.

 9 months ago  

Thank you!

Este tipo de juego me recuerdan al Far Cry, por su sistema de casería. Me pregunto si habra alguna manera de instalarle mods para que pueda ser una casería Pokémon.