It's been such a long time..! What have we achieved in the garden ?

in HiveGarden9 months ago

Hello everyone ! Hope you're all doing well :)

It feels very strange to be back here after such a long period of inactivity. Because no, I haven't been inactive outside, in the none online world ! First of all, I'd like to apologize to all those I haven't been able to reply to, I'm not going to mention them all, but they'll know who they are and believe me, if I'd had the time, I'd have done it with all my heart !

The back-to-school period has been and continues to be very intense. In the second week of August, I began an assignment at a major museum in Paris, which will run until the end of September. For me, staying in the same place is almost unimaginable. But despite the heavy workload and the fatigue that goes with it, everything's going well and morale is high... However, I've still got three weeks to go, during which I'll probably be just as busy, although I hope I'll be able to find a bit more time !

Every weekend we go to the countryside, and that's another reason why I'm so far away from Hive, but also from the networks in general, because there's no network there. At least I can get away from the screens for a bit and read... and do a bit of gardening !

But let's look at this in a bit more detail...



Just last weekend, when I arrived, I came across these little gifts of animal origin that I was so keen to collect.




Without missing a beat, I went and got a wheelbarrow and a shovel and picked up what I could.

In the little plastic bag were the vegetables and victuals given to me by a lovely neighbour we met once before. I have to say that on the subject of neighbors, we're spoilt as everyone in our hamlet is really very friendly and welcoming !


Here's a view of the front of the house with its little camouflage of reeds to keep us from curious onlookers ^^ ...

But let's go upstairs, straight to the garden !


This is the first plot where we decided to start working. For the time being, this is where we're putting all our grass and other plant cuttings. This weekend, I turned over the soil, especially the impressive clumps of grass, and put the roots up. We'll see what happens !



In the first image, one of our many piles of weeds and cuttings of brambles and other invasive plants. There are now quite a few of these scattered around the site following our work sessions.

The second image shows a corner that was previously overgrown with nettles. I didn't mow it all, but I only reduced the invasion and I have to say that I eat quite a lot of nettles and I also want to keep some to make liquid manure.



Here, a few plants, including a heather that was already there when we arrived...


Another of our crusades was against brambles, especially on the sides of the small greenhouse, which was also already there...


In order to get the door open, I had to use the hard way: a sculptor's hammer and chisel to get rid of the roots that had infiltrated the entire slide...




But here's the result, with still a lot of weeding to be done, which will be our task for the coming months anyway ! In any case, we won't be planting trees until winter, and for the rest, shrubs and vegetables, we'll have to wait until spring !

That's it for this update on progress in the gardens, with some news from recent times.

Sorry again to those I haven't been able to answer, and thank you in advance for your understanding !



Bonjour à tous ! J'espère que vous allez pour le mieux :)

Cela fait tout étrange de revenir après une période d'inactivité aussi longue ici. Car non, je n'ai pas été inactif en dehors ! Avant toute chose, je tiens à m'excuser à tous ceux auxquels je n'ai pas pu répondre, je ne vais pas tous vous mentionner, mais ils se reconnaîtront et croyez bien que si j'avais eu le temps, je l'aurais fait de tout coeur !

La rentrée a été et continue d'être très intense. Dès la seconde semaine d'août, j'ai commencé une mission dans un grand musée de Paris et ce jusqu'à fin septembre. Pour moi, rester au même endroit, c'est presque inimaginable. Mais malgré la charge de travail importante et la fatigue qui va avec, tout se passe bien et le moral et bon... Pour autant, il me reste encore trois semaines durant lesquelles je serai sûrement aussi peu présent, même si j'espère pouvoir trouver un peu plus de temps !

Tous les weekends, nous partons à la campagne et cela est une autre raison de ma distance avec Hive, mais avec les réseaux en général puisqu'il n'y a justement aucun réseau sur place. Au moins, je me lave un peu des écrans et en profite pour lire... et jardiner justement !

Mais voyons un peu plus cela en détail...



Le weekend dernier justement, alors que je venais d'arriver, je suis tombé sur ces petits cadeaux d'origine animale que je me suis empressé de récolter.




Ni une ni deux, je suis allé cherché une brouette, une pelle et j'ai ramassé ce que je pouvais.

Dans le petit sac en plastique, c'est les légumes et victuailles que m'a offert une adorable voisine que nous avons rencontré une fois précédente. Je dois dire que sur le sujet du voisinage, nous sommes gâtés comme tout le monde est vraiment très sympathique et accueillant dans notre hameau !


Voilà une vue du devant de la maison avec son petit camouflage de roseaux pour nous garder des regards curieux ^^ ...

Mais montons au dessus, directement au jardin !


Voilà la première parcelle où nous avons décidé de commencer à travailler. Pour le moment, c'est là que nous mettons toutes nos tailles d'herbe et d'autres végétaux. Ce weekend, j'ai retourné la terre et surtout les impressionnantes mottes d'herbe et plaçant les racines vers le haut. On verra ce que cela donnera !



Sur la première image, un de nos nombreux tas d'herbes et de coupes de ronces et autres plantes invasives. Il y en a maintenant pas mal disséminés sur le terrain suivant nos sessions de travail.

Sur la seconde image, un coin qui était jusqu'à lors envahi par les orties. Je n'ai pas tout fauché, mais j'ai seulement réduit l'invasion et puis, je dois dire que je mange pas mal d'ortie et que je souhaite aussi en garder pour faire du purin.



Ici, quelques plantes dont une bruyère qui était déjà là à notre arrivée...


Une autre de nos croisades aura été contre les ronces et surtout sur les côtés de la petite serre qui elle aussi était déjà sur place...


Afin de seulement ouvrir la porte, j'ai dû utiliser la manière forte : marteau et burin de sculpteur pour venir à bout des racines qui s'étaient infiltrées partout dans le glissement...




Mais voilà le résultat, avec encore et toujours, beaucoup de désherbage à mener, ce qui sera de toute façon notre tâche pour les mois à venir ! De toute façon, nous ne planterons des arbres pas avant d'être en hiver et pour le reste, arbustes et légumes, il faudra attendre le printemps !

Voilà pour cette mise à jour des avancées aux jardin, avec les quelques nouvelles des derniers temps.

Encore désolé à ceux auxquels je n'ai pas pu répondre, je vous remercie d'avance pour votre compréhension !




That greenhouse is great. You could grow lots in there in the winter.
Nettle pesto is great too and dry some for tea xx
It's great to see the space transforming, just take your time. Especially as you are still so busy with your assignment xxxx

 9 months ago  

sorry for to late reply anntn. you are working very hard and I am sure you will get it done, what you are willing according to your plan, your property looks very good. good luck with all projects. greetings dear :)

Beautiful picture display. I like to see it

Wonderful to read up on what you have been doing, work wise and also in the garden in the countryside.
How lovely to have so much space and create corners as you go.
Enjoy the weekend breaks, sounds like you really need them.
Have a lovely time there 😊😘

 9 months ago  

How nice that you have such a sturdy greenhouse there! What a plus! And that your neighbors are so generous and friendly. Looks really good. Where on the earth are you? It could pass as New York State.

It's indeed been a while but it's always nice to have you come on board whenever you can. There are so many things taking our time in the real world and it's totally understandable.

It's good to know you will be wrapping up most of what you are doing by September ending and we look forward to having you around more often by then.

Your garden preparation is going well but that's quite some weeding to do, I look forward to seeing the out come soon enough.

Nice reading from you after a while

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Hey there!!!

Good to see you back! No connection in the countryside - that is a perfect detox from the internet 😇

Hope that the assignment in the museum in Paris will finish well and you do it with enjoyment!

Glad to hear you are getting stuck into the garden in your new place. It's also awesome that you have nice neighbours - that's always a worry when you move.
And I have to say, that's the shiniest and cleanest wheelbarrow I've ever seen! I'm sure you get it looking the way it should in no time!

Amazing, the garden looks good close to the road and the green house is also good it replanted. Thank you. Greetings.

I'll gladly die in that rustic little red greenhouse heh. Lovely pics! Looks kinda English but better

Ca en fait du taf, courage !

Ravi de te revoir :-)

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Your green house is looking very good
It is quite painful that I've never seen a greenhouse in real
I hope to see one someday

I wouldn't mind staying without the Internet in such a beautiful place! Just looking at your great photos, I feel calm and relaxed... 🙂
The garden is forming its looks and until Spring, I bet it will look fantastic!

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Good to see you again my friend, it's been a long time but I'm so glad you're back. Looks like a lot has changed in the garden. Those natural fertilizers will come in handy.


I hate Russian dolls
they’re so full of themselves.

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After some tidying up, the greenhouse would look great and perfect for planting new things..

Staying away from the online world is really important from time to time. Also, its good to know that you have such generous and welcoming neighbor.

I enjoyed reading from you after a while.


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