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RE: Garden in green version

in HiveGarden10 months ago

Oh my gosh, I have never seen a green bean that long. I am going to take a guess and say 29cm? Those pumpkins look really healthy. I wish I had enough space for ground growing vegetables like those. The only thing I grew like that was a butternut last year - and that was an accident 🤣


Me neither, so that's why I had to measure it haha. We were all surprised, so it was 62cm long (am I saying it now as we have two users who guessed well already, so I added that photo to the post too 😇)

Oh my word, seriously? That's not a normal bean. That's a freaking Jack & the Beanstalk bean! So cool. Thanks for the reply. I really wasn't expecting it to be that long 😁

Hahaha, yeah. I didn't think about it but must be the reason of that super long bean 😆