Harvesting Time

in HiveGarden9 months ago (edited)

Hello everyone! 🍆🌱🍅🥕

I posted my last field activities about a month ago when it was still summer. Now summer is slowly saying goodbye and autumn is at the door. It started very warmly, maybe because of the crazy summer, who knows?

It has been hot, dry, and sunny here for about ten days now and we have taken advantage of this weather by harvesting our crops.

We had potatoes planted here. The picture shows part of the field that we have cleared and I have leveled with the motor cultivator, because after the potatoes we have planted turnips, black radishes, and radicchio.
Nothing has sprouted yet.

Last year we planted more potatoes, so I used a motor cultivator to dig them up. Photo from last year's post.

This year, this was not necessary as we planted half as much. I went out four times in the afternoon and dug it out by hand.
Btw: this is the animated gif from the previous post - I didn't have time to take a picture of everything again, I've been busy hand-bathing :)

We dried them for a couple of days and then sorted them into crates according to size. I just hope it doesn't eventually start to rot and have to be sorted again.
By the way: How do you know that potatoes rot?
You'll smell it right away :)

We also picked some tomatoes, but I'm not happy because it's too watery, with very little flavor. Probably because of too much rain in August. What is not eaten we will cook the sauce.

This is the tomato that was left, but it has all gone bad. It will probably all have to be thrown away.




Soya was the most disappointing this year. Last year I harvested 7 kilos and we used almost all of it for edamame.

But this year I didn't grow a single plant! I don't know why, I had the same seed given to me by my mother who has been planting the same seeds for thirty years. I gave the same seed to a friend and it all sprouted... so I really don't have an answer...

Another disappointment is chickpeas, which I planted for the first time. At first, everything looked fine, the kernels were starting to form, but then I noticed that everything in the fruit was empty...
My colleague told me that maybe it was because there had been a lot of rain and no bees to fertilize the flowers... I don't know... again I don't have a clear picture of what happened... then I pulled everything up.




I leveled the place where the chickpeas had been with a motor cultivator and my wife planted radicchio, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, and lettuce. And all of these will soon be ready to harvest :)






Not just about disappointments - but this year I was most fascinated by green beans. First, we planted the common green bean growing on the ground, and there were quite a few of them.
Later on, a friend told me to plant what is called 'barjanec', which is a Slovenian green bean, an old variety that needs support and wraps around the stakes you put next to it. At the beginning of July, before we went on holiday, we planted these green beans.

And at the beginning of August, when we returned from the sea, you can't believe it!


There was so much of it that we gained two kilos every third day! And you can't eat it all!
We shared it with friends, and there was still so much that we now have a freezer full. You blanch it quickly in boiling water and then freeze it in half-kilo packages.


And it's still growing now, but not as much.


It's the first time I've ever been greedy :) 😝

In fact, in the markets they sell these green beans for €5-€7 per kilo! 🤑
Next year I can plant three/four times as much. I have enough space!
And, I have a friend who used to be a successful accountant, but he had enough of that and bought a trailer which he now drives around selling eco products. Well, now he has two trailers 🤑🤑

'Slow down, stop', I told myself, 'it might be the same as with Soya'. One year a lot, the next year nothing ... stop thinking like that, a few years ago I planned to have this field just for me and the family....

Well, that idea is still somewhere in my brain ...


Eggplants are still thriving


White eggplants have also grown, but they are still small


And the peppers are also waiting to be picked




And pumpkins, some Hokkaido are still growing, we've already picked up one giant one, a muscadine pumpkin.



I have to mention the chilies :)

I planted four plants, different varieties, three are still pretty good.

Cayenna (it's red now)

Naga Morich

Small Cherry

I also planted Habanero Chocolate, but there are only two fruits and they are not ripe yet.
A couple of days ago I picked all the red ones, which are ripe.

And in a few days, when I have time, probably over the weekend, I'll make them (+ a few extras that are a secret 😜) into a sauce, like last year and the year before.


Finally, here is a photo of the onion flower we left for the seed.
Since I recently bought a new phone (Pixel7) I tried zooming a bit, and only now do I see that there is a spider on the flower attacking another insect, I think it's a bee or wasp.


That's it for now, I'll report back when there's something new.

Thanks for your attention.


That's my seventh post this year about how I got into gardening, and my second in the HiveGarden community.
For those of you who are more interested in my farming and gardening, here are links to my previous posts where I explain how it all started.

Wet Soils And Potato Focus, News From The Field, Changes In The Field, Almost everything is planted, Update - ploughing and planting potatoes, First job in the field - cleaning.

📷 😎 📷

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Nowadays I am also harvesting. Many wild pears fallen off off the tree on the mountain. Most of them are in the grass, so they are not visible on this photo.

That's cool. A lot of fruit, not only wild, is also lying on the ground in orchards because people don't pick it.

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Thanks for a great update. Shame about the tomatoes, sometimes it can't be helped I guess.

Thank you for the comment. Well, maybe next year I should do a roof or something, but I don't know...

Yeah, usually is in some greenhouse or covered like strawberries.

I'm worrying about the strong wind which is present there sometimes, yes, it would have to be a pretty sturdy structure, like a greenhouse, but it costs quite a lot...

I actually love pepper and that was what got me the most. All your plants are looking very fresh. You're a good gardener. Keep it up!

Thanks. Yes, peppers are the freshest, they're still growing, I haven't picked them yet, but maybe this weekend.😎

Wow what a great harvest! The green beans seem to be the easiest to grow, we have a lot of them each year.
And for some plants this year seems was strange to grow. You seem to be lucky there are not much nacked snails in your area?

Agree! For me seems, too, I had very little involvement in green beans. There were a lot of snails, but, first, there was a drought and we watered the plants, and then there were no snails. Then they appeared when it was wet and rainy, but the plants had already grown and they didn't do any harm.

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That is such a great harvest my friend.
congrats on the abundance harvest.
the hard work pays off.
so awesome.

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Yes, I am satisfied. It could be worse. A lot depends on nature and the weather, so I am not complaining.

Hey @ekavieka, here is a little bit of BEER from @seckorama for you. Enjoy it!

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How are you dear friend @seckorama good morning
I love this property, there is plenty of space to grow a good variety of vegetables. If it weren't for some disappointments, I would say it was a great harvest year
I hope that at some point you make your dream come true of buying the field you want.
Have a happy start to the week

Thanks for stopping by, @jlufer. I'm not complaining, it could be worse. We certainly won't go hungry over the winter. 😎

Hey @jlufer, here is a little bit of BEER from @seckorama for you. Enjoy it!

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Early spring, summer, and autumn were all here. So, we had an early harvest. Our plants have since stopped harvesting. I wish I had your garden here now😄😄

Thank you. Well, If you have enough big ship, we can transfer the field to your area 😎

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A beautiful garden production you have (except those affected by disease which sometimes simply cannot be avoided). Where are you based, what country?

Thank you. We don't use anything to promote plant growth or kill weeds, so there are a lot of weeds and pests. Slovenia.

so there are a lot of weeds and pests.

That's the natural way of growing, especially if you care what you eat, less chemicals better health, hopefully!

That's right. One-third for us, one-third for the weather, the rest for the animals.