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RE: Hello Bullies, my name is RESILIENCE!

in GEMS3 years ago (edited)

Ok @jaynie . I am no minion :) my personal stake is higher than Marky. With that out of the way.... can we all take it down a few notches? Please?

Why re-post stuff jaynie? I know you for a while... and you don’t need to do this stuff. If you like to re-post, please decline rewards. I know that you don’t absolutely need it. You are just making a point... but please... these are all nice people.. and no one is oppressed here. Please this is not needed.


"You know I dont need it". I am afraid you are mistaken. As for the opression part... I think you may want to open your eyes. Try challenging any one of the individuals that has downvoted me in the last 24 hrs. Do something that "bucks the system" and then come back and tell me that we are not sitting under the thumb of a clique.

Ok. I will take your word for it. You are saying you "need" the reward. Fine. Just post new content and you will be rewarded.

You blog you choice of course! But our rewards our choices too :)

Please jaynie, downvote are neither personal nor oppressive. They are just reward disagreement in most cases. All I am saying there is no need to post old content for rewards.

Also, I know these people personally... folks who downvoted you. They are wonderful individuals just like yourself. Often times when we become keyboard warriors we forget there is a human being on the other side too. They are just family members/women just like you. I am looking jaynie... and I assure you there is no oppression. Please go ask some of your close friends ... maybe even ask on your discord... there is a chance someone will know me and maybe can tell that I am not lying. Maybe they can assure you that I am legitimate.

We are in this together and we need friendship and positivity. Have a Merry Christmas!

All I am saying there is no need to post old content for rewards.

As for content that is valuable I can sort of disagree with this. Hive is always getting new users. It takes time to scroll back and read post from 8 months ago.

The problem is not so much the rewards, the problem is the curation auto voters that give out the reward. If all, (which I know is an impossibility), were done manually then this would not even be an issue.

It there were no autovoters following her content then the only votes she would get would be from new users. A short solution would be for the auto voters to check a list of accounts that are known re-posters and not vote on them.

However, we do have autovotes. Until we execute a hard fork they are not going away, if at all. So it's a moot point isn't it?

It is, as is the reposting of content. I do not think auto votes need to go away, but to place blame on a person that repost and then gets a lot of rewards is not right. The person re-posting is not at fault for the excessive rewards. Having them state it is a re-post is not going to stop the auto votes from rolling in.

Excessive rewards can only be placed on one group, and that is the individuals voting via auto votes.