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RE: Hello Bullies, my name is RESILIENCE!

in GEMS3 years ago

Oh great, just what Hive needs, more drama. The fact is that we are tiny and cannot really afford to have internal fights between people who probably all want pretty much the same thing, for it to succeed. Both sides may be making far more than the average user, but not actually getting rich from it.

I'm not taking sides, but can't we just get along? Let's all be honest, polite and retain some integrity. Anyone coming in and seeing this is not going to be impressed.

Recycling content is controversial, but given we can only earn from a post for a week I can see reasons to do it. Just admit it's been posted before. People get to decide if it deserves more votes, but I realise a lot of votes are automated. Plenty of people exploit that.

Anyway, happy Christmas.


I'm not taking sides, but can't we just get along? Let's all be honest, polite and retain some integrity. Anyone coming in and seeing this is not going to be impressed.

That can only happen when we have respect for eachother, and the reward pool.

Recycling content is controversial, but given we can only earn from a post for a week I can see reasons to do it. Just admit it's been posted before.

Recycling is ofcourse not a problem. SImply state at the start of the post or even better, in the title, its a recycle. Its as simple as that. I dont want to blame anybody, but those who recycle a lot and not making any mention of it, usually do it for a reason. Espcially those with large value of auto voters {still not blaming anynody, but just something I learned in the last 4 years I've been with the community}

I would never have said a word about them expressing their disapproval on the re-posts but I also won't get walked over or silenced...having every single post I create now, downvoted to nothing just because "they can".

Hope you have a great Xmas too.