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RE: Community Garden Update: Re-planting New Seeds and Seedlings with the Kids

Kids be volunter in the garden. And usually kids Will be exited when pouring water into the plant.

I never see okra plant in my country. But once I cook okra and maybe I wrong about the method. The okra has too much mucus. I steamed them not Boiled. Ahaaha


Yes.. they enjoy it. But it's been raining a lot recently, so they didn't have a lot of chances to water the plants.

Yes.. steamed okra is the best... Ohh, grilled okra is yummy, too!!! 🥰🥰🥰

So, when you Steam the okra, they have Mucus when we bite them?

Just steam or grill the whole okra.. it would still be slimy, but less... 😁

Ah okay, now I know slimy texture is normal thing ahaha

Yes... It's an okra thing. 😁😁😁