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RE: When you run out of rocks

in Wednesday Walk2 months ago

I choose chocolate cake, always!!!! I love chocolate!

The stone I want one and how long would it take? Well, depending on the drawing it can take 8 hours or more depending on the size of the painting, but I want a mural on it.

The boat... I would name it Julia after my maternal grandmother's middle name. My grandfather had a boat called Julia.

Lovely walk, I enjoyed it very much!😍


You would paint a nice mural on it, I am sure. You know where to find it one day :)) just follow la costa hacia norte 😁

Julia - a beautiful name for your future boat, and you could also use it to arrive at this place to make the mural on the big stone 😉

I know I'll be there one day... don't worry. Things are complicated at the moment but they will get better. I want to see all of Spain!