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RE: A Mid-Week Walk in the Middle of the City

Bro I loved seeing Parque Carabobo after many years; I tell you that when I was a child I was taken there from time to time to ride my bicycle, it was one of the squares where I was often taken.

Seeing it brought back many memories, I lived in Caracas since I was born until I was 6 years old and then I went back when I was 8 years old and lived there for 3 more years, then I moved to another city but it was sacred to go to Caracas on weekends to visit my paternal grandmother.

How great it was to see these pictures and know that you are already culminating your moving process, I wish you the best so you can soon enjoy your new home in the best way possible 🙌😀💛... I send you a big hug brother and greetings to Jhoxi 💞.... God bless you 🙏❤️.... You Rockkk!!! 👊😎🔥📷❤️


My Fercho! This is my first comment from my new apartment. Connected to the pc through my cell phone (Jhoxi's idea that saves my life) and I'm also using a new table for my computer. I'm glad when I share a post and in some way it means something to someone, especially to a person so important to me. I love you brother...

Mi Fercho! Este es mi primer comentario desde mi apartamento nuevo. Conectado al pc por medio del celular (idea de Jhoxi que me salva la vida) Además de estar estrenando una nueva mesa para mi compu. Me alegra cuando comparto un post y en cierta forma significa algo para alguien, sobretodo para una persona tan importante para mí. Te quiero hermano...