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RE: Hazy paths with nice surprises

in Wednesday Walk2 months ago

I have never seen an acacia or loquat tree. Therefore I have not eaten their flowers or fruits respectively. I know there are loquats in the east of the country but I have never seen them in Havana or Pinar del Rio.

The aroma of the orange blossom is a delight. For many years I used only a handmade cologne made from these flowers in a place in Old Havana, it was exquisite. Visiting that place was a pleasure for the senses and you could refill the bottle every time it ran out. Unfortunately they no longer sell that cologne 😔.

Se agotaron los stickers de cabras y caballos?? 🤔🤣 Un abrazo.


Acacia were common in the place where I grew up. And the acacia honey is very very tasty. My dad had beehives so I liked the most this type of honey we used to get from the bees. 🤤

Se agotaron los stickers de cabras y caballos??

😂 quizás jajaja

Aunque había un burro por allí, más lejos pero no me acerqué. A mí me llamaron la atención las cabritas 😇

...My dad had beehives...

La apicultura es una actividad maravillosa y admiro mucho a quienes la realizan...le tengo miedito a las abejas 😬🤭

Eating the honey from a piece of honeycomb is a delight. Chewing that piece of wax to get as much honey out as you can is a memory I have from my childhood too, near my house there used to be beehives.

Las abejitas no pican en realidad porque quieren hacerlo, sino para defender a sí mismas y a su colmena. Ya después de unos años de experiencia mi papá las trataba sin guantes - con calma, sin movimientos bruscos. 😉
Una pena que un año todas las colmenas se enfermaron y murieron, no solo de nosotros sino de los otros apicultores también.

Ahora quisiera comer miel, así como lo describes...