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RE: Hazy paths with nice surprises

in Wednesday Walk2 months ago

I also just like that, in a fresh version when I find them :)

Really, Romania will have a similar climate as Greece or Spain? Oh, what will be then with this climate in these countries, even warmer and drier? 🤐

Unfortunately, I have no chance of seeing that.

You never know 😉


Bulgaria, Romania, probably, also Serbia are sliding towards a Mediterranean climate, with milder winters and hotter summers. In the south of Romania, near the Danube, there are vast areas of land that turn into desert...

You never know

Haha, do you think I'm an immortal? I'm 70 years old. Your "You never know" made me laugh and I loved it.

It is good to laugh - it is heathy! 😉

So, I plan to live at least 90 or a decade more 😁

Then I'm waiting to see this!