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RE: When you run out of rocks

in Wednesday Walk2 months ago

That was a sweet walk, and in the seashore where you can feel more relax as you walk further. I love the view of those boats on there. And there's a lot I thought they are all for sale (≧▽≦).

And that big rock, is that real? It's sad you can't take that home, lol. And the color too, is that real ಠಿಠ. I already saw lots of big rocks in our place but they are all the normal ones ಠಿಠ. Is it painted perhaps ಠಿ_ಠ haha. Just curious hehe.


Not sure about the big stone, maybe it was shaped like this or made of concrete, it's very possible. Still, I think it would not pass through the door of my home 😂😂

Hmmm, that's a possibility too. And that's for sure, but it will look good to put it in the garden, can be one of your stone bench where you can sit there while enjoying the surrounding. Or maybe design it too to fit in there (≧▽≦). But that would be a very challenging one, designing that big stone, lol