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RE: The Apothecary Diaries βš•οΈ

in The Anime Realm β€’ last month

I also like this anime. I agree how it was beautifully made...from the pictures to the story itself.

I have been a fan of Detective Conan. πŸ˜…. And true, because of its many episodes, it really is discouraging to continue. But what I do is that I don't watch for 1-2 years..and then continue to watch it after the long wait. 😁.

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But what I do is that I don't watch for 1-2 years..and then continue to watch it after the long wait. 😁.


That seems like a lot of stress πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

🀣 and then another stress when I'm done watching the accumulated episodes and I realize that it's still far from the ending 🀣
