Finally back to normal temperatures

in MacroPhotography11 months ago

Once upon a summer time it was way to hot to take pictures and post ...

But now the temperatures are back to normal , time to take some pictures again if anything is still alive in my garden.

I used two differend camera's and two differend lenses underneath each photo you can see the camera and lens that are used to create the image .

All images shown are created in my own garden.

The Echinops is still alive

Sony A6000 + Sony LA-EA4 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro f2.8 ( A- Mount )

Sony A6000 + Sony LA-EA4 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro f2.8 ( A- Mount )

Big green grasshopper sitting in our mini christmas tree outside growing in a container

Sony A6000 + Sony LA-EA4 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro f2.8 ( A- Mount )

it kept surprinsingly still while taking the photos

Sony A6000 + Sony LA-EA4 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro f2.8 ( A- Mount )

usually they jump away after using the flash light

Sony A6000 + Sony LA-EA4 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro f2.8 ( A- Mount )

closest i can get with the normal Macro lens

Sony A6000 + Sony LA-EA4 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro f2.8 ( A- Mount )

and this is how close you can get with the 2.5 magnification macro lens

Sony A7II + Laowa Venus 25mm f/2.8 2.5-5x Ultra Macro

you can even see the dew drops on its shield

Sony A7II + Laowa Venus 25mm f/2.8 2.5-5x Ultra Macro

pink wild flower in my garden looks related to the cornflowers

Sony A6000 + Sony LA-EA4 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro f2.8 ( A- Mount )

Salvia flower

Sony A7II + Laowa Venus 25mm f/2.8 2.5-5x Ultra Macro

Sony A7II + Laowa Venus 25mm f/2.8 2.5-5x Ultra Macro

tiny fly

Sony A7II + Laowa Venus 25mm f/2.8 2.5-5x Ultra Macro

tiny fly side view

Sony A7II + Laowa Venus 25mm f/2.8 2.5-5x Ultra Macro

Smaller specie of grasshopper holding on to grass

Sony A7II + Laowa Venus 25mm f/2.8 2.5-5x Ultra Macro

Sony A7II + Laowa Venus 25mm f/2.8 2.5-5x Ultra Macro

This one was holding on to the grass flowers

Sony A7II + Laowa Venus 25mm f/2.8 2.5-5x Ultra Macro

tiny spider in a spider web

Sony A7II + Laowa Venus 25mm f/2.8 2.5-5x Ultra Macro


Sony A7II + Laowa Venus 25mm f/2.8 2.5-5x Ultra Macro

fluffy seeds not the dandelion type

Sony A7II + Laowa Venus 25mm f/2.8 2.5-5x Ultra Macro

violets are still flowering

Sony A6000 + Sony LA-EA4 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro f2.8 ( A- Mount )

and it seems i scared this snail

Sony A6000 + Sony LA-EA4 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro f2.8 ( A- Mount )

it litterly shitted his pants ...

Sony A6000 + Sony LA-EA4 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro f2.8 ( A- Mount )

Sony A6000 + Sony LA-EA4 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro f2.8 ( A- Mount )

Sony A6000 + Sony LA-EA4 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro f2.8 ( A- Mount )

Sony A6000 + Sony LA-EA4 + Sigma 105mm DG Macro f2.8 ( A- Mount )

That is all for today hope you liked it

All images created by me @stresskilller

Hope to see you soon on one of my Communities:

For all your macro photography @hive-15966

Tell us your story with 5 photos and 150 words @hive-14396

Posted using Ecency Coin

You can find me on Ecency Discord


Enjoy the less heat… I can so relate having lived in Spain.
Beautiful captures. Love the deep purple of the flowers.
Have a great Tuesday!

yeah day temperatures above 25 degrees celcius is killing me , and puts me in survival mode , do nothing and sleep a lot.

Yes, I can’t cope with it either anymore. It’s to much…
Now having temperatures around 21 is just perfect.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 162 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

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Made with by crrdlx

Once upon a summer time it was way to hot to take pictures and post ...

Hehehehhehe I so love how you started with this and great pictures by the way.

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee


Captivating macro photography 📸 I'm enthralled by the artistry it unveils. I have a keen desire to explore an extensive collection of images captured with a 25 mm lens, which brings forth unique perspectives and intricate details!

Within a couple months. it will be winter again for you. Muahahhahah!

And summer for me.



Its always summer! AGHHHH its so hot and humid here. Im melting.