
Where you live, the chances are always good that it's going to rain. Sure does make everything look green and pretty though so there's that 😁

It's quite nice to have all the green and not the withered brown or even the hellfires of mainland Europe. Always a silver lining!

Bloody Scots and their weather...

It's terrible here today...Typical winters day: Totally blue skies and 16 degrees, not a breath of breeze. 😂

Sounds beachy! Give me some of that... or whatever Booms having!

I've got the decent weather...boomy has the beach. (Although, 16C isn't that warm you know.)

Yikes! It's 36C here. Boom always has all the fun. Did you give him another umbrella... his has got to be worn out by now.

I think he's rocking a Mary Poppins style umbrella these days, I'm not quite sure it's up to the task for the Scotlandish weather though.

Summer beach weather that is!! 😀

Bloody Scots.

Magnificent creatures they are 😀😀

Lol...Fearsome, beastly, rugged warrior-poets...and always home for haggis at 6pm.

A man cannae miss his haggis!!

You know, I've not ever tried it. I had a chance, chickened out. I think I'd give it a whirl now though, I'm all growed up and manly and shit.

Haggis and beers at your place.