A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

in Freewriters8 months ago

You have till October 12, 2023. Entries posted later will be upvoted but can not win HSBI.

A picture is worth.jpg

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

We all have heard this saying and have come across pictures that evoked all kinds of reactions in us. In this contest, we are presenting a photo/picture to write about.


photo taken by @wakeupkitty host of this contest on behalf of @freewritehouse.

  • Describe what you see
  • Describe what you feel
  • Write a story or poem or about what you think is going
  • Use #pic1000
  • Leave the link to your entry in the comment section (preferable peakd this saves us a lot of extra work)

Of course, we expect original work.

If the story that pours out of you after seeing the visual prompt is not obviously connected to the photo, please include a short paragraph how the prompt led you to the story.


Write as much or as little to say what you want to say. You are invited to craft a longer story but we don't want to ask for a certain wordcount.


For now, this is going to be a reward for participating this contest.
Each participant will receive an upvote and we'll reward three participants with 1 HSBI. The winners will be announced in the comment section.

Looking for sponsors of the contest.
If you are interested leave a comment please.

You have 6 days from publishing this post to submit your entry.

I will not search for entries!
Please leave the entire link (preferably peakd) to your post in the comments to be eligible for prizes.

If you do not write in English add an English translation.

Tell a friend!

Freewrite House.png

Write with us every day using the Daily Freewrite Prompt!

Check @daily.prompt and look for these graphics


#freewritehouse #pic1000 #contest #pictureprompt #creative-writing #innerblocks


Hello everyone! Here's my story for this prompt--


Muchas gracias, Gertu, por esta felicitación que recibo con agrado y cierta sorpresa porque me entero ahora. Dios te bendiga.

Que bueno que fuí la portadora de buenas noticias. Saludos.

Here is my entry for this week contest. https://ecency.com/hive-161155/@karatu/dream-big

Thank you @wakeupkitty for your hard work!

The HSBIs have been awarded!

Screenshot 2023-10-06 12.09.55.png

Have a great weekend everyone! We look forward to reading your stories!

No me había fijado en este resultado que agradezco muchísimo. Realmente, el internet por mi zona está muy mal.

Tengo una conexión mala y lenta también. Frecuentemente no puedo cargar las imágenes. Incluso si te pierdes el anuncio, igual ganaste. Disfruta tu día. Saludos @wakeupkitty

Thank you for the opportunity to participate, here's my entry


Congatulations to last week winners. Hoping to participate this week contest.

Congratulations to the winners, Hello evening. Here is my entry

https://peakd.com/hive-161155/@alfrin/ecos-de-un-amor-en aqui mi aporte de la semana espero que les guste

Congratulations to the winners

Congratulations to the winners! Here's my entry fam: https://ecency.com/hive-161155/@samiwrites/the-visitor