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RE: Waffle bars, Hot Chocolates, and Architecture - Discover Medieval City Bruges, Belgium

in Pinmapple β€’ 4 months ago

For the last couple of months I've been trying to eat more healthily. I've really cut down on my chocolate intake. Now I need some! It's a good job the shop near me is open until 11 pm. 😁

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A small piece of chocolate won't hurt I think but it might give you guilty pleasure πŸ˜€ Hot chocolate (thick creamy milk and Belgian chocolate) is perfect for a cozy winter morning. By any chance did you go to the shop 🀣?

Yes, I did! I've not eaten any choc for a couple of weeks, so as you say it was a guilty pleasure. I kept my pyjama bottoms on under my trousers though. πŸ˜†