
The upvote system works by awarding upvotes to your post based on the tokens you burn. For instance, a 100% upvote is currently worth $4.2 and requires approximately 74 Helios to burn. For more information, you can refer to the link provided. Additionally, there is a delegation system that I mentioned in the post earlier. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask me.

I am curious about one thing! :D

What is a quality post?
I don't personally write big in-depth posts, so they properly wont count as "quailty" and I did try to use 10 Helios on some of them :p

A quality post is one that adds value to both your post and the overall ecosystem. To ensure this, your post must be original, contain more than 500 words, and demonstrate a sincere effort on your part.

Thata a stupid reason :D

Many posts adds to the ecosystem without hitting 500 words.

And 500 word posts can also be shit, if I just write the same word over and over again xD

This is my understanding of what constitutes a quality post. However, it's subjective, and it's up to you to form your own opinion on the matter.


Don't engage with a person who comments on his post from alt account (akbarali). Lie and deceive community. Body shame people. As well as calling bad names.

He was once before flagged, let him live his life.