The Price to Pay to Getting Somewhere in Hive

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

Hello, everyone!

Are you just starting in the Hive and finding it challenging already? We all start somewhere they say...


A Wee Story...

Prior to my Hive journey, I have been jumping around many online opportunities that looked shiny - Revenue Ad Sharing, crypto-related stuff, affiliate marketing and whatever it was that I felt worthy to try, hence, I put out every bit of funds I had then.

Even enrolled in a few online "Master Classes" which I thought would be helpful to me on my online quest only to find out I was paying for something that didn't really benefit me. My fault actually, because there's a ton of knowledge available online for free but I opted to go the shortcut route. Or I was simply too naive. I probably misunderstood what the "gurus' often say, "education is expensive" and I literally took it as paying the tuition to learn something from them, lol!

I even met one so-called LEOcoin around the last quarter of 2015, one which the husband and I spent quite a sum to invest in. It turned out that it was to be added on our list of online-investments-gone-bad, lol! We certainly paid a hefty tuition before we learned that something that sounds too good to be true must be avoided at all costs.


And why am I even putting these here? Well, it is pretty easy to get lost in today's fast evolving technology and stuff, too many shiny objects popping up everywhere and so I shared it intentionally for those who may find value and learn from our bad decisions and experiences.

If there is one that I am truly grateful about is coming here in Hive and being in this space in the blockchain where there is wealth of knowledge to be learned for free and shared and in the process of doing so, we earn too. Win-win, yeah? You bet!

I would like to end this by highlighting some valuable insights that I recently learned from this amazing community. I believe these would be very helpful to those who are just starting or even to those who have been here but are still feeling lost. The very common mistake we commit when starting is trying to get a shortcut but there isn't any, or is there? We gotta do the work and so have a little patience and read these well-laid out valuable guides and tips from some of the VERY BEST in the blockchain.

It is very worthy to note that engagement is always mentioned and highlighted. I learned that it's actually the very KEY to starting well and to get noticed by the big guys with fat purses and of course, the way to learn many things too. It can be challenging and tiresome but I assure you, once you get the hang of it, it is fun!

And if that's not enough of a motivation, there's the Hive Engagement League and the LeoFinance Engagement where the top engagers are recognized and rewarded. And you bet you have to have your name on it, not mainly for the rewards of course.

And lastly, don't be afraid to ask questions. I was reading some confessions from fellow Hivers that like me, they are a bit hesitant to comment or ask questions with the thought that they are asking the wrong ones or something silly. But just like what one of my idols here puts it and I quote:

There are no wrong questions. This is a wide open space. It is a lot of experimentation and innovation so it is all new. So many possibilities so it is really all open to questioning. - TM

There you go, so yes, don't be hesitant to ask away! hehe!

Thank you and I hope you are able to digest something good out of this post.


Hive  Lower 2022.jpg

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


This is really helpful. Thanks a lot for sharing.

Thank you @windgirl, nice to meet you here and I am glad you find it helpful. The links in the post are valuable and I hope they will guide you through as you start your Hive adventure.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh yeah! Got to read two already and it's just amazing that I got answers to questions that's been bothering me. Thanks a lot

Cool! I feel you, I have also a lot of questions but didn't ask. Thanks to these articles, I was able to get answers to them. It's a pleasure.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I can say hive has been really hard for me. I've had to take two breaks for the sake of my sanity cos of seemed like I was wasting my time, but I'm willing to take another shot

I'm sorry to hear. One that has really worked for me was that I put into my mind to just enjoy my journey here no matter what and then the goal to make it long-term, hence, I stake everything that I earn. Even bought $HIVE from Binance using my own money just to have some more Resource Credits.

And then consistency and persistence matters too and of course, engagement.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I took a little time off too (3 years lol) but decided to come back. To succeed on Hive, you have to build community and connections and we can do that through making useful comments that encourage other users to engage with you. Join communities and send a message to folks to let them know that they're being heard. Kinda like I'm doing here...

Even though you earn from posts, posting just to earn will disillusion you quickly, Make it all interesting and fun!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Welcome back❤ and true what you said, we need to build our name here by commenting thoughtfully and relevant to those we read and sharing our thoughts as well. I think one of the mistakes we make is we post our own article and expect the magic to happen. With many content creators here, we need to step up our game too. And yes, the enjoyment and fun is a must, otherwise, we lose interest at some point.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There are so many content creators here! Some times it seems overwhelming but we will all find our place. I'm pretty diverse myself, I write about gardening, herbalism, DIY and dabble into a little fiction, so my growth of connections and content (and rewards lol) is pretty consistent. All in all, Hive is a good place to be!

It is and glad you are doing so well. It is good to have diversity while we are yet to find what our niche really is. I love the suggestion I got earlier around here, to find our USP (Unique Selling Proposition) and then go for it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

USP... that's a great term! My votes are a little light because I've delegated to several communities in the hopes that I can support them and profit in the long term.

I learned that term from @finguru while reading his post earlier today. It's okay to delegate, I also have delegated to a few.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's what I'm aiming to do now

All the best!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It'll be fun!


It is :) Thank you for the LUV


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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Yes, there are no short cuts when it comes to making money. And anything that sounds too good to be true - is simply just that - too good to be true!

Truly, there aren't and yes, learned my lessons on that "too good to be true" thingy, lol!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

😊 Better luck next time. Cheers! 😊

Haha, I'm sticking with Hive❤

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

Hive offers a sense of security for earning through blogging, The big advantage I'm finding is that it works seamlessly with Hive Engine which gives me the chance to diversify a little.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Certainly and the fact that our write-up are safe here and will stay forever is really cool.

And true too with the HE, it is easier for us to track things and as you mentioned, diversify. And with the new developments here in LeoFinance makes it even more exciting hehe

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I've just started investigating Leo. even tried the convoluted process of staking polycub.

That's great! All the best to you. It is nice to go on a little adventure 'coz we get to experience things hehe

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LMAO LEO COIN! That looks cool btw and we must have something like this for Leo Finance. 🙈

And lastly, don't be afraid to ask questions.

In a room full of people, behave like a 5-year-old kid.

Always asking questions, mostly the stupid ones. 😂

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hahaha! They were small tokens to remind me of my investment mistakes, lol!

In a room full of people, behave like a 5-year-old kid.

I'll remember that, thank you hehe

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Coool. I also made a lot of mistakes. They make you learn unless you are an eternal fool. 😂😂

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hahaha, that is called insanity, lol! Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for this update because I have been thinking what am I missing on hive ,is there any secret I don't know because I always comment and engage on other people post but I guess is not enough I will keep commenting may be one day curators will start checking my post

Pleasure to share. And it can be a bit challenging but persistence, consistency and yes, commitment too. We do need to show that we are here for the long-term. That means we need to build our account by staking Hive (increase Hive Power).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Enjoy engaging and learning along the way.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great advice! Hive has the best masterclasses on crypto and all of them are free.

I know that many find it hard to get noticed but my experience has only been positive so far. I joined without knowing anyone about 7-8 months ago and was welcomed warmly from the start.

IMO as long as you can provide value with your own posts and add value to other people's work you should be fine but many expect to become influencers overnight lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you and congrats for knowing how to start so well.

but many expect to become influencers overnight lol

True, a common misconception of how things work here I guess.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congratulations @ifarmgirl! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s):

You made more than 5000 comments.
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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from April day 21

Oh my, thank you once again for the push❤ That's a good number and we will keep upping that hehe.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Worth reading, sis. I've been here Hive since the first quarter of 2017 and I really did not pay attention being here. I just write whenever I want to. I stopped for 2 years more or less. 2020, Crypto started getting back up. I saw old friends from other platforms signing on Hive and I told myself, let's give this a second shot. I hope I could catch up this time. hehe

Thank you sis, we committed the same common mistake hehe. Start and just wooosshh, lol! But I think you are doing great sis❤

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yep, engagement is the key 😎

Have a great evening @ifarmgirl 👋🏻

It sure is, thank you and have a lovely time❤

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks a lot @ifarmgirl 😊

Buti kpa sis swrte dto 😁

Haha, and you are too! It needs work sis, kaya kung pansin mo medyo nabawasan time ko sa kabila hehehe

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you for sharing this, and for the helpful links as well.

I have a difficulty sticking with anything that doesn't yield instant results- which wouldn't work well here. Discouragement has definitely started to set in!

Some of the questions I face are:
Will my comment be good enough? What if it sounds too stupid?

Should I post about this? What if nobody finds it interesting?

It has been entertaining seeing the variety of things on HIVE, and watching other people engage - perhaps I'll learn from that.

I have looked at other options of money making online - and you are right- there are no shortcuts! All the real deals require time, consistency, hard work. I think Hive is the most entertaining one I have encountered so far!

I'll keep your tips in mind. Cheers!

Glad you found something helpful here. I can relate with you on the lack of patience especially when we don't see any yield in the things that we do and the many thoughts that arise when we want to ask questions. But I am glad that you realized too that there aren't any shortcuts so let's keep our persistence and keep learning too. Hive is Home hehe.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Excelente lo que compartes. Yo particularmente perdí dinero tratando de aprender a hacer trading y luego cuando comencé lo perdí todo en una noche.
Llegué a Hive hace casi 3 meses y aunque no he obtenido muchas ganancias, realmente me da gusto escribir aquí.

Thank you for your kind comments and sorry to hear about the trading losses, we do learn from them.

I am glad that you came to Hive and are enjoying what you do here. Cheers to more fun in writing and engaging too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm glad you kept exploring and found Hive! There are definitely a lot of scammers out there (Bitconneeeeeeeeeeeeeect, lol), but there are some genuinely cool projects too and Hive, imo, is one of the good ones. A lot of people hear of one bad blockchain scam and think all blockchain is scams, but Hive is more like a co-op, we're all in this together.

Thank you, I am glad too. And LOL to Bitconnneeeeect! We all got our bitter experiences haha.

Hive, imo, is one of the good ones

I agree, 100% and we are really all in this together. I think everyone here wants for it to prosper and go a long way, beyond our own generation.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There are indeed no shortcuts, sis. If something looks too good, it is probably a scam. And you are right, we are in a great place to learn.
I too have lots of online stories, where I ended up with the boards in my head. So I'm a bit more cautious now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We learned our lessons the hard way, sis hehe. And it's good to be cautious now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's right! ;)
Good evening, sis. 😊

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

And good morning to you, amiga💗

I think that we have all paid our dies over the years CJ
Treating Hive like a social platform is still the way to go and engage, little by little people will get there.
You are a fantastic inspiration to all Hive newcomers, me included!

We did Tito Ed, just glad we met Hive hehe. And true, it has become our main socmed.

Aww, thank you for your kind words, Tito Ed. And you are one too! Cheers!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes very glad we pursued and became active on Hive I agree!
Salamuch CJ :)

Walang anuman Tito, and salamat din.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you and I hope you are able to digest something good out of this post.

Plenty of "something good to digest" out of this post, thank you!

Thank you for sharing your experience! Much to be learned from that. And yes, I do agree...there are no shortcuts... if ever you find one, please tell us about!

In the meantime, let's do it the right way you say...ask away, that is the only way! (wow, I just wanted to leave a comment, now I end up with some

Thank you❤

Haha, my hair probably turn grey and still won't find any shortcut, lol!

wow, I just wanted to leave a comment, now I end up with some

Hahaha! I love the poetry, so keep going. You have broken the ice so congrats, lol!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great content! One thing that i noticed is that the hardest part is not to get engagement but to keep that engagement and have a steady growth. In my opinion one of the main keys is to make connections, find our niche and be consistent with the content we present. Also dont make earning the main focus but a consequence of building something together in this space!

Thank you and yes, it's pretty hard to keep the interaction consistent especially when we are also buso offline, but as you mentioned, making connections, finding our niche (USP as Finguru puts it) and be consistent about it.

And I agree with you on NOT focusing on the rewards or earnings. They will come along the way so it's best to have fun and enjoy building our foundation so to speak.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Am soo glad i got to stumble on this post, i've learned alot from it.
Its really frustrating sometimes when you do a post giving it your best shot and alot of time but it ends up getting less or no upvotes especially as a newbie. I guess it does not have to be just about the money, you have to actually love what you are doing. This has given me more clarity and the links you added were really helpful. Am Looking forward to getting better with my engagement.

Thanks again for this @ifarmgirl

Glad you found it helpful. It can be disappointing to start with less engagements or upvotes but the key is to be consistent no matter the amount of upvotes or rewards we get. Just like anything else, we need to build our foundations first. Most of us here experience a rough start but those who don't quit will reap the rewards of their effort afterwards.

I wish you the best and enjoy your journey :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you, you are an inspiration😊

Aww you are so kind, thank you :) I believe you will do great.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

I'm really new here and I'd appreciate all the help I can get to thrive on this platform, with my music and more

Welcome to Hive @sleemfit. And for that to happen, you have to do the work and there will be no doubt of you thriving :)

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Of course, I'm willing to...just need a little guidance here and there.

Awesomel! Just ask if you have some questions and people will help the best they can. I learned that one of the best ways to know more and learn is through engagement :)

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

very true. I'd definitely do that... thanks a bunch.🤗

Cheers to you and all the best :) You are doing great!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta