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RE: My Most Successful Post in Years (Promoting Hive) Was Just Downvoted by Curangel for Over $200 Right Before Payout

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I've never felt the need to downvote someone because I disagree with what they posted. I find it very strange that there are people around here that do that. I certainly don't want to end up in an echo-chamber of the same content regurgitated over and over again just to appease the whales that control things.


That's where I'm at too... some of my most enjoyable and most engaged-with posts have been when I found some post I disagreed with so heartily that I went and wrote an entire 2000 word response post (literally promoting the person through doing so, as well as commenting on their post and upvoting it for visibility)

But hey, that's just me.

Exactly! If someone has an opposing viewpoint, duke it out in the comments or with another post. That would be the mature, adult thing to do.

Well that’s just called being a genuine, decent human being. I’ve seen a couple of people that support this by saying oh well they still make more than some people on hive, meanwhile I know these people have incredibly well-paid jobs. They have no idea what some people go through or how much time and effort some people put into posts and communities and how devastating it is for those people to get their genuine support ripped away from them. People up though and use their up votes to support content they like, it’s essentially robbery.

It's actually people who are millionaires who are doing the downvoting against people who are poor(politicians do the same thing irl!)

Feels good that a millionaire would take time out of their day to censor someone because they can. They could be retired or live their lives doing something productive instead.

It’s also the ones to make remarkably average post them selves and don’t seem to mind those posts getting overvalued.

Noticed this for sure. Every argument I've ever read about post quality is dashed by this fact, which is plain to see for anyone.

really, the people that have done it to me have literally said they will punish me then write 'over rewarded' one hour later, whilst getting a lot for a very average post. The more you look the more you see it happening to others. I have had it just for defending someone else or commenting on a post or resharing a post they don't like etc. The timing is everything sometimes, but the comments like 'over rewarded' lets it go unnoticed to those not paying attention. It's a real shame a small handful of people ruin what would otherwise be a really amazing and nice community. If you don't like something or someone fair enough, down voting them to oblivion is another. It just shouldn't be allowed IMO.

Couldn’t agree more downvoting is just childish unless someone’s actually spamming, plagiarising or sharing the same post or comment over and over. It makes me laugh because these people claim to hate Facebook and the government yet given a tiny bit of power just become those very people they hate. The joys of projection. I can honestly say I probably down voted about two people in my life and that was only someone that just continually put the same comment over and over again on every post and then I think right at the beginning I flagged someone who flagged me, before growing up and realising that that made me just as pathetic.I truly feel for people that rely on these platforms for income, it’s actually psychological abuse to dangle money in front of their face and then take it away at the last minute. It’s one thing never getting money on a post but to show the money that could be paying for urgent medical bills and lots of things we don’t know about and take it away just at the last minute is one of the cruellest thing someone could do to someone. If I see anyone down voting I make sure to mute them immediately now so that I will never have anything to do with them accidentally.

I supported the proposal, for the ~200k I have proxied to me.

Hey thanks man. If I went through what you just did on two posts in a row I would had flipped out or got all depressed especially with ALL the energy and support you put towards Hive and the community for what 5+ years not too mention onboarding. I do hope you are reconsidering staying with us man! Let's do this! We are a young chain and community and we need you bro!

Ok neoxian does not need my account for collateral.

Perhaps, I can delegate my SPL cards to you for 30 days as the cards unlock. I feel comfortable giving my owner key to @steembasicincome for the 30 days, after the 30 days I transfer the cards to you. 5000 shares of HSBI currently is around 7,500 usd. I am ok with 1,666 liquid Hive at the end of 30 days too that Joe would hold. If both you and Joe is ok with this then lets do this!

I give my owner key to Joe and delegate my cards to you for 30 days in return I receive the 5000 HSBI shares immediately and remaining 1,666 Hive in hsbi shares too or Joe holds remaining 1,666 liquid hive until cards are transferred. At end of 30 days I transfer cards to you and receive the remainder of 2,500 worth of Hive at today's price of $1.50 usd which is 1,666 liquid Hive if the option for remaining 2,500 usd in HSBI is not executed.

I must say I do feel weird about this deal and not in a real hurry to do it as my gut is saying to wait. But I do want to facilitate this with you @kennysgaminglife as I recognize your over efforts on Hive and want to help you. I just think perhaps you need some time to think about your future on Hive. Look at your engagement on your post. The community loves you. I do not think you should leave yet. Things are just starting to get interesting. looking at the charts, there is typically a burning event between the 4th and 6th of each month. Today's Hive price around 5pm pst might be noice. Unless that happened on thanksgiving as a early gift.

I've been on the wait out for years, only dealing with the BS and the time it eats because of the delegation I have and the responsibility & opportunity to serve that goes along with it.

Obviously, I could have handed that off to other able community members at any time, so I'll just figure out a smooth way to do that.

I only have a total of 4809 HSBI shares between my two accounts if you want to tweak your math with that number. Also not in a hurry or anything, obviously it takes time to shift in this system anyway.

I like riverflows a lot. She has a good heart and honestly looks out for people.

My vision quest curating all over hive is about done now. I am ready to curate in a more focused manner especially if it means further supporting @ura-soul and your buddy @truthforce and @informationwar while keeping mind to support artist too, art is healing. Lets execute the deal if @josephsavage is ok with it.

This made me feel a bit teary this morning. I only read it as I was scrolling through the comments, as I wasn't tagged, so nearly missed it. It came at a time where i was feeling a little undervalued at work, and to read a comment of appreciation made me feel better. Thanks so miuch. That's so kind of you and I really appreciate it.

Hey hey, saw you tagged me :)

What's up?

We have a curation trail on under informationwar you can follow if you were looking to lend support to upvoting things in #informationwar #deepdives #politics #news etc.

Delegating directly to @informationwar helps us a lot as well. We were up to 33k recently, and with the depature of Kenny from the chain we are around 19k HP currently. He has always been generous with his support and has given us delegations for long periods of time :) :)

nothing but love!!!

instead would simply be the shares you have in addition to 1,857 liquid hive or HSBI shares