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RE: My Most Successful Post in Years (Promoting Hive) Was Just Downvoted by Curangel for Over $200 Right Before Payout

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

Couldn’t agree more downvoting is just childish unless someone’s actually spamming, plagiarising or sharing the same post or comment over and over. It makes me laugh because these people claim to hate Facebook and the government yet given a tiny bit of power just become those very people they hate. The joys of projection. I can honestly say I probably down voted about two people in my life and that was only someone that just continually put the same comment over and over again on every post and then I think right at the beginning I flagged someone who flagged me, before growing up and realising that that made me just as pathetic.I truly feel for people that rely on these platforms for income, it’s actually psychological abuse to dangle money in front of their face and then take it away at the last minute. It’s one thing never getting money on a post but to show the money that could be paying for urgent medical bills and lots of things we don’t know about and take it away just at the last minute is one of the cruellest thing someone could do to someone. If I see anyone down voting I make sure to mute them immediately now so that I will never have anything to do with them accidentally.