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RE: What Device Do You Use Hive The Most? Poll on Threads!

in LeoFinance7 months ago

Being mobile compatible doesn't necessarily require a dedicated app, For instance PeakD works rather well on mobile browsers as do many sites in general who serve people on mobile sized displays differently from regular desktop users.
So in that regard, Ecency aren't the only mobile available front end.


It may not require a mobile app, but to not have one is a huge minus point. How do you expect to onboard new users to your Dapp without an App? Especially when you can't use them with a regular phone browser app as it doesn't have keychain implemented.

They are the only one with a native app, which speeds things up when you are on the go to be honest. Hive Keychain has a great mobile app too that accesses front ends through their browser which is all fine and dandy too. Just taking a simple poll to see what people use the most.