A Novel Way Of Thinking About Hive: Pages

in LeoFinance8 months ago

Hive is something different. However, we usually look at this in the context of cryptocurrency and blockchain. While that is accurate, there is something even more basic about what Hive offers. It is, however, clouded in the quest for rewards and the central basis of the reward pool.

While this is always going to be the case to some degree, what if there was another way of looking at things here? Perhaps by going to the foundation, we can see where we are lacking in terms of the building on Hive.

To me, this offers the greatest insight into what the potential is. By concentrating upon the most basic level, we can start to work our way up.

For this reason, we are going to look at the essence of Hive and how we can utilize it to a much greater degree. This also will factor into the appeal it holds for those on the outside. After all, for people to be interested, you have to give them something useful.

Decentralized Database

We have discussed Hive as a decentralized database. However, when look at this from a more technical point of view, this is what we see.


The Internet, up to this point, is a bunch of page linked together. Have you ever hear the term hyperlink? This is the highlighted text that takes you to another webpage. It is how data is joined together.

Why is this important?

If we think about it, every post created on Hive is a page. This means we can use the database to build an assortment of pages that are joined together in a logical way. At the blockchain level, this will be text although, as we know for the articles created, other file forms can be added.

The key takeaway is that Hive can be used in a much different manner once we start the process of considering pages, i.e information, and how to link it all together.

Suddenly, the mindset shifts to Hive being an information source. In other words, we are building something that people can use. The housing of data is big business yet, thus far, we have not really tapped into that.

This means focusing upon building databases.

Censorship Resistant

The world's knowledge resides on the Internet. This much we know.

What does that really mean? The answer to this lies in what the Internet is. Here we have a series of nodes joined together to form networks. Many of these nodes are servers storing data. Hence, the world's knowledge is on servers all over the world.

Of course, this brings up the question of who owns the data and, hence, controls it? At this point, many of us know the answer. It is not something that is appealing.

Our knowledge is in the hands of the largest corporations in the world. They can alter it as they see fit. In this regard, we are totally at their mercy. Again, this should be nothing new to people.

Here is where Hive can change it. We have the opportunity to store text on a network that is not in the control of anyone. In fact, the software is open source so anyone can house the database.

The added bonus is that data, once in a block, cannot be altered. It is basically permanent. Now we are starting to open up a world of possibilities.

Text Data

If we simply consider all the text data that exist, we see there is a huge opportunity. Individuals or teams can build databases on Hive around the notion of creating pages that are linked together. Because of things such as IFPS and image servers, it does not requires that the final product be solely text. However, this is the basis of this network.

Consider for a second all the information that is out there in this for. Sports are fill of stats that people reference. Investors like to look up the price history of assets such as stocks or bonds. Population counts are kept by nations. Production figures for public companies are tracked.

With all this data out there, and the need for it, is it possible to start constructing this on Hive? Can people build databases which then are tied into a number of front ends? For those who are a bit more technical in nature, the ability to develop a new website exists.

The point being is that we enter a new realm when we consider pages. Let us look at this page from Pro Football Reference. These are the career rushing and receiving stats for Walter Payton, the great Chicago Bear running back.

This is very basic. Notice all the blue hyperlinks. These direct us to other pages. Once arriving there, we have more information along with more links.

And on it goes.

What is the potential here? Could this be built on Hive? Quite frankly, Hive is ideal for this. Due to the text storage ability along with feeless nature of transactions, it is one of the few blockchains this can realistically be done. Nobody is going to build a database of this nature if it costs even a few cents to post or update a page. It is simply not viable.

Perhaps NFL stats are not the solution. However, could these be tied to something much larger? Maybe this is part of a fantasy league which also have stats. They can all be combined in the database. This could entail gambling data from Las Vegas with each page bringing up new information.

The point is we have a lot of potential in this area that remains unexplored. Today, we are dependent upon centralized entities for our information. What happens the ones behind Pro Football Reference go under? Where does the data go?

It is a question that would apply to everything we see online.

Wavio is already starting to use this concept by having the idea of decentralized comments and reviews about products housed here. Why should an entity like Amazon have the lion's share of that under their control?

This is the power of decentralized databases. When it is all build under one umbrella, we can see how value is built. Of course, we have to mention that anything posted to the blockchain can be integrated by any developer. This means the data can be used by different projects.

Here is where builders start to expand what is offered.

It all starts with the information on a page. Instead of thinking simply rewards, what kind of business can be built around a string of pages linked together? Take a look around and see what people are using. Could a decentralized options with more features be of even greater appeal?

That is the challenge before all of us.

What is Hive

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Advertising is a good one. Uncensored and ongoing advertising that are all linked. Makes it easier to search for things and also assess the progress and success of a business.

Decentralized networks are ideally suited for action-based advertising, where the eligibility and targeting of users can be readily verified, and intermediaries can be rewarded for facilitating these transactions.

For instance, a merchant might propose a sponsored reward of $5 to users in exchange for sharing two authentic photos of their product. The merchant can post this offer on the Hive blockchain without asking for a permission.

Subsequently, a website owner can index these sponsored rewards, present them to their site’s visitors, ensure these visitors meet the targeting criteria, and assist them in publishing the post. The website owner also doesn’t need permission to index and broker these deals.

This process underscores the open permissionless nature of web3 and the Hive blockchain.

Moreover, this system is fully operational on Hive today. You can explore available rewards here:


Another intriguing aspect of sponsored rewards on Hive is that a portion of the reward could be paid in upvotes, with the remaining balance settled through a direct transfer.

You are doing some amazing work.

Great job with what you are building.

Your insights into the untapped potential of the Hive blockchain truly resonate with me. The concept of transcending long-form blogging to create versatile, open business models on this decentralized platform is something I believe in deeply. In fact, we've been exploring this very terrain with Wavio, an application designed to harness the Hive blockchain's capabilities to store pages, lists, products, and various other objects.

Your vision of an open, decentralized world is not just a theory; it's a reality we're passionately building. I'd be thrilled to discuss these ideas further with you, perhaps explore avenues for collaboration or get your valuable feedback on what we've developed so far. If you're open to a discussion, I'm available on Telegram for a more in-depth conversation.

Certainly I would love to chat more about this and go deeper into it. I am not on telegram. Do you use discord. You can hit me up there.

I agree there is huge potential. Once people look past Hive simply as a place for rewards, a whole new world opens up.

Request sent. I completely agree about the untapped potential beyond the rewards on Hive.

The bad thing about advertisers is that they always get a certain amount of control over the platform that is often detrimental to the users.

Hive is surely a smart blockchain built with such technical parts that can sustain the growth for a broader future. Database and hyperlinks can be asset for the chain and people could avail knowledge from what they created and the others altogether.

But I see lot more smart algorithmic programs be in the system and perhaps with added technology be it more attractive and elegant. Lets hope for the better future, 👍

Glad you gave a shout-out to @waivio - I was thinking them while reading your post. ( @grampo ). I've heard rumours of a decentralised Rotten Tomatoes / IMDB style website in the works too.

Much of what is being suggested is already fully functional on Hive:


We are leaping towards an exciting future.

You've given me a lot to think about here. I guess I'm dissident-right because I love consuming content from people like Pete Quinones, Jay Dyer, Thomas777, Martyrmade, etc. They've all had real problems keeping their business going because they occasionally (or often) get banned from platforms. Even Wordpress banned Jay Dyer once. They deleted his whole website. These guys are mostly putting out on Substack now because Substack has heroically stood up for free speech even in the depths of the Covid insanity. I think it's a matter of time however until Substack is compromised. Hive could be a fantastic place for people to share ideas that don't fit on the 3"X5" index card of allowable opinion.

Yep. Much like the 3Speak guys say that people on YT should at least back up their videos on there, the Substack and Medium articles could also be posted to Hive. If the account is wiped, the information is still there.

And as this decentralized useful database expands, wealth too will be created.



@taskmaster4450! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @kopiko-blanca. (1/1)

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