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RE: The Ultimate 'Smart Contract'? A Universal Declaration of Independence & Decentralisation for Balance, World Peace & Increased Prosperity.

I have a pet I treat admirably. My pet loves me. However, my pet is a violent sadistic predator.


It's just nice to me because I feed it, give it clean water, and pamper it obscenely. It doesn't have to work for a living in any way, so it kills and eats things only for fun.

I appreciate you have well considered your perspective, no less than I have mine. We have previously discussed these matters, and I believe it is unlikely we will be able to close the gap between our perspectives. I consider myself part of nature, with a role to fulfill killing and eating other creatures. When I pointed out you cannot live without killing and eating other creatures, we were no longer able to discuss things reasonably. I do not wish to enrage you, or for our mutual respect to be degraded, so I would prefer not to further discuss these specifics.

 2 months ago (edited) 

There is a gap between the conscious self and all of the pain, trauma, rage, terror and other emotions that the conscious self has chosen to reject and avoid (deny) - this is the reason why even scientists acknowledge that most of most people is unconscious and there is little awareness of why or what to do about it - we do it to ourselves and try to 'act normal' in the process.

This then, therefore means that any topic that relates to survival and death (among other topics) has the potential to trigger a cascade of phenomena within people when they focus there. Most people are not bridging their gap between the concious and unconscious, so this is less noticeable in them - they simply appear energetically dead in comparison to someone who is building the internal bridges necessary to be whole and to reach full potential.

There are many unsavoury facts that are uncovered when building this bridge within self, not the least of which is that almost everything we have commonly believed about 'nature', 'self' and 'being nice' is not only incorrect, but has been killing us.

If I am enraged in the face of unwillingness to explore the areas that I understand as paramount for survival, then that rage is a survival rage that seeks to liberate and to stay alive.

However, I have known about this epic gap for many years and have chosen to allow myself to be distracted away from what I knew was the optimal path for me to walk through all of this - which includes the publishing of my own book that can defuse a lot of conflicts before they begin.

I am now focusing once again in that direction and am defusing my sub and unconscious programs that have mistakenly believed that I need to correct everyone that I understand to be holding death dealing beliefs. The best I can do is lay a path that others can choose to study and follow if it makes sense to them.

I have become convinced we are participating in a communal consciousness, and that most of the reasons for everything aren't so much withheld from us, as we are just incompetent to understand them. I have endeavored to be spiritually and psychologically unperturbed by my, and humanity's, incompetence. The very limited intellectual and spiritual capacity we have to know and understand seems to me to be best applied to things in our wheelhouse, in our pay grade. There's so much we not only can't know, but also we can only get wrong, that the further we stray from simple truths the deeper in the weeds we get.

I can't authoritatively direct you to acceptance of your place. I don't believe, because of the above, that I can authoritatively direct me to mine, but I'm on the hot seat and have to do the best I can, at least for me. I bear you nothing but good will, sincerely hope you far exceed my expectations, and have no desire to discourage, dissuade, or divert you from achieving the very best and greatest understanding and practice of living you seek and intend.

For me, a simple man, our place in terrestrial life is very simple. We can find it written in stone, in artifacts our deep ancestors have left behind, in the conversation I had with an incredibly nervous doe from ~2M yesterday. Life is a single organism, an unbroken chain of living cells from the primordial to each and all those living today. We have an understanding innate to us, the owls and mice, the hunters and deer, and the shrieking toenails we have to trim from time to time. There is surely more to it, more than I can ever piece together from lifetimes of mining the great works of my betters for the precepts and principles that a better kind of man may come to be. That is not my geas, and if it is yours, I sincerely commend you to it.
