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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

in Weekend Experiences • 3 years ago

That isn't depressing at all 😄 that's cute. We all face difficulties in doing what others consider easy. For Instance I can not maintain a single phone for more than a month or two. Every now and then my phone keeps on falling from my hand and kaboom it's broken 😂


Hahaha..I know🤣 I am being dramatic.
Omg🤣 you just sound like my friend who breaks his phone every time. Only he has anger issues and throws away his phone when angry. 😖
I hope your current phone will last longer though...maybe we should challenge you for that🤣

I have similar rage issues as well 😂 I guess that challenge will be helpful for me 😂😄

Oopsie...hahaha 😂😂