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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

One skill I have and have had for a very long time is crocheting, I like to make granny squares every now and then or other things. It comes in real handy on those super stressed out days and nothing else will help me unwind. So I grab a hook and some yarn and just make granny squares, or some other pattern. After one or two stress is gone, I spend all my time thinking and worrying about the yarn tension, the know tension and thinking about what am i going to do with it. (they end up in a drawer or my yarn tote, I don't really make them to make something).

Now the skill I would like to have and every now and then with sometimes years in between tries is to Knit. Twenty five years plus off and on I have tried to learn to knit. I have yet to complete a single knitting project, but that does not stop me from trying. It is one of those skills that I will likely never learn, but the learning process is fun, once again a very good stress reliever.

Now how many of the 645 comments can I read?


Weird, I was talking about this exact thing a few days ago with a couple people at work. It was a chat about shedding stress and one, a man, said he knits. I hadn't expected it from that particular person but he said he finds such great relaxation in it.

I've never done either to be honest, but the familiar motion and click clack of needles together is familiar as my mum used to knit. A pleasing memory to think of her sitting there near the fire on a cold day or night doing so.

Legit skills you mention, thanks for joining in.

Yeah, a few comments huh?

Yes just a few comments, I don't know how you keep up with them all.

Sometimes I worry I do not. I think occasionally I miss some but I work hard to make sure I capture the top-level comments as a rule, throw a vote on and show my respect and appreciation for those who take the time to engage. I really look forward to the weekly topic posts.

Don’t worry about it!
It’s gonna be okay!

