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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

I've lightened the load several times in my life. It'd be OK to think divorces and apartments or RVs. It seems like every time I perch some place for a while the stuff follows. Sooner or later it gets there and stays until the next move.

It's almost miraculous how that works.


That is a skill you should never lose! Imagine the money you could make on Craigs List? Especially when it follows you back.

I seriously agree with you. She should keep that because it is a skill amd the best for that matter.

It always comes creeping back! It is indeed miraculous how that works!

It does! Don't you ever wonder about that?

Maybe a topic for a sci fi story. Ha ha ha!

Idea is not to visit boot sales or second hand shops to keep it out!

Stop accepting family heirlooms for the next generation who more than likely don't want it, clean out soon, echoing in my head....

Yes! I haven't taken a family heirloom in years. If the kids want them, I let them.

Few and far between are taking, I might add.

I started asking family members, some has been with me all my life, now it is time to make the move, not looking forward to it either.

Have not bought anything nor brought anything in for years, still cluttered too much!