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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

I'm here with you on this one! As a general rule I have had to move every one to two years, so I was constantly going through my things for the next place. I have been here a few years and I cannot believe the things I have accumulated. I could not possibly have all this stuff and so today I started sorting through a few things because nah, I had to clean out my dad's house and I decided right then and there nobody was going to have to go through my stuff and throw it out. I will do that myself.


@dswigle that's why we have very scarce furniture in our house Lady Denise, and we can move anywhere at a moment's notice.

I know, right? I can pack my entire house myself in two days. Wrapped, boxed, and stacked. Boom. I used to be able to do it in one, but, now I realize I don't have to work that hard. :) @papilloncharity

Exactly and one problem that I have is that I have a room full of tools that I am carting with everywhere that we go. My old carpentry tools, my welding machine and kit, plumbing, building and electrical tools only to mention a few. That I have used rarely, but I keep them to use for one day when I am old hahaha.

Always that something we cannot/do not want to let go of, almost like we are what we collect 😁

Well in that case if we are what we collect, I still have my priceless set of original Diston saws.
Then I also have a set of old brass gas blowlamps and many other old high quality tools.
I worked for many years in the trades before I moved into management and now in my charity world, there is hardly every use for the tools, except for small jons at the house, where I only need the basic stuff.

Maybe I am clinging onto my young past hahaha.


Most of us hold and treasure things, then when you consider selling or passing on it is difficult to get into the right hands of people who would treasure it as you do... Yes we carry baggage!


The thing that I seriously dislike is the sharks out there Lady Joan.
A guy from one of the shops came to give me a quote on my black genuine thick leather lounge chair.
He wanted to pay me ZAR 500 for it.

We saw a similar chair in false syntheric leather going for ZAR 3000 and mine is in a better condition.

An original "Diston" saw is worth at least ZAR 1000 and I refuse to sell my saw for ZAR 100.
Then I would rather give it away to a young tradesman that would appreciate the saw.
Such is life.


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@papilloncharity Really? It may be cheaper to sell them and rent it when you need it. You know, when you get old. :))

Problem here is that they have cheap tools and when a rented tool breaks one get's charged for a new one.

So if I want to build a ship when I am old, then I have all of the tools :D


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Oh! A man and his tools!

Same here my friend and I have carted my tools with me for thousands of kilometers all over our country. But one day I will have to let go and I dread that day.


 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

Oh yes and I agree. Sadly I am not so very much active with the tools as I used to be, but when I need a tool to do a small job, I have it and that's what counts.

Have some !PIZZA

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Hey @nineclaws, here is a little bit of BEER from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!

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Wow... Packing entire house in two days...? This too much. This means you have loads of many things in your house.

So smart, @papilloncharity!

Thank you kindly Lady @jayna.

It means you have a free space to move about

That's what my life is all about my friend, the freedom of space to move anywhere.

I've lightened the load several times in my life. It'd be OK to think divorces and apartments or RVs. It seems like every time I perch some place for a while the stuff follows. Sooner or later it gets there and stays until the next move.

It's almost miraculous how that works.

That is a skill you should never lose! Imagine the money you could make on Craigs List? Especially when it follows you back.

I seriously agree with you. She should keep that because it is a skill amd the best for that matter.

It always comes creeping back! It is indeed miraculous how that works!

It does! Don't you ever wonder about that?

Maybe a topic for a sci fi story. Ha ha ha!

Idea is not to visit boot sales or second hand shops to keep it out!

Stop accepting family heirlooms for the next generation who more than likely don't want it, clean out soon, echoing in my head....

Yes! I haven't taken a family heirloom in years. If the kids want them, I let them.

Few and far between are taking, I might add.

I started asking family members, some has been with me all my life, now it is time to make the move, not looking forward to it either.

Have not bought anything nor brought anything in for years, still cluttered too much!

Moving is a perfect way to clear clutter, @dswigle. I've lived in my current house longer than any other home except the one I grew up in (after many years of moving every year or two). Next time it's going to be a true adventure!

Yup, rather clean through it yourself, Oh boy I have close on forty years in one place, nightmare in the happening!

Haha! The greatest motivator!

We arrive with nothing, we can take nothing with us...., yet here we are we all horde 😌 One task I have to do, soon, very soon!

I am fortunate to have been able to sort most of my adult life because of moving. In some ways, almost worse. I just pulled out 12 boxes of kids' memories from when they were little and they looked at me like I was a crazy woman going through some of their things that were from when they were born.

My things are sorted. But, theirs are so much harder.

Not a desirable task, but task it is that we have to do. Both sons looking to possibly get out of this country, nieces and nephews most are not married so it is going to be a task!

Really? Where do they want to move to? Would you consider going too? I hope its not too far, although the politics there is killing the country. :(

Sons are considering NZ, their Aunt, cousins and many friends there already, for us our age is against us so will stay put.

Perhaps with sister and sister-in-law sitting on their own, we move somewhere together like a family retirement home LOL, all thoughts being bantered about!

Wow. You have never let age be a factor..

You have done the best because, hadn't been that you allow someone to do it for you, you might ended up losing some useful things.

You have done very well to have made the arrangements yourself in other to keep your things safe.

Yes, that is a very good motivator. I had to clean up my parents' house and after a month of daily work I had made a dent in it. Then there had to be sales and then donations. I do not want to put my kids through that!

You are right. What we are passing through, our children should not pass through that.

It is a great motivator! Somehow, I am the cleaner in the house. So guess what happens?

Its good you gave them out as they caan serve as space collector in a the house. I also do give mine out because I don't want to take the whole of the space in my room