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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

Great, skills.

If you take a look at my blog, you'll find many of the things I'm good at. I'm a graphic designer, I'm a sculptor and I love writing stories; however, there is one thing I am VERY bad at and that is drawing.

Since I was a child I was attracted by the whole drawing thing, but I'm simply bad at it, at least using my hands, because when I try to draw digitally (on the pc, using a mouse and keys), I do it very well.

Previously, I think in the topic two weeks ago, I shared the following image, one in which I showed a digital drawing made by myself:


Although I did it digitally, I would love to be able to do something like this with my hands, on paper with a brush or just a charcoal, unfortunately my pulse sucks and my hands shake too much to do things like this....

I can do very small and detailed things with my sculptures, but they are not the drawing. I guess it's a matter of practice or I'm just good at one thing and not the other.


Creativity is creativity I guess whether it's done with paints of digitally. I can't do either to be honest. My dad was an artist and was very good at it, made his living from it, and he was also pretty good at sculpture. I should do a post about some of his stuff one of these days.

Thanks for sharing your skill this week, I appreciate the support.

Oh sure I agree with you on that, but that's what I'm trying to say, I'd love to have a skill like that with a brush or pencil....

You know, I've seen draftsmen and painters who are also sculptors, I think it's easier for them to do sculpture being painters. In fact, I have a friend who started that way, making paintings and then started making sculptures with clay. He did fantastic things.

And yes, I would love to see some of your father's works, these were surely great.

I've put a few of my dad's paintings on the blockchain in the past, never a sculpture though. I'll get it done. Pick up a brush or pencil mate, you've got nothing to loose.

The problem is that I have done it before. I've done some HORRIBLE things, at least I didn't like them hahaha but one of these days I'm going to start painting, let's see what comes out... I have a very bad pulse.

The other day I was with my little cousin painting and even she paints with the brush better than me, can you believe that? hahaha.

You should own it as your particular style.. Come up with a name and away you go! 😊

It’s a beautiful drawing!

Thank you very much. It is a drawing I made with the Photoshop tool. It is very handy and allows you to do very interesting things in terms of digital drawing.

Nice to meet you, by the way <3

That's a very nice design sir. I'm scrolling through all gajillion of these comments now and your design stopped me.

Oh thank you very much. As Galenlk was told, I'm better at drawing on the computer than by hand with a pencil or brush. That design is an example of that hahaha

Thanks for stopping to look at my drawing, best regards!