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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

Hi, I think this is great what you are saying. Really being funny is a very good thing thinking of others. I mean, to make someone laugh is to make them feel happy for just a moment and that's enough.

I usually tell a lot of jokes when I'm with colleagues or friends, but like you, these are bad jokes and end up creating the opposite effect of what a good joke would create. Although sometimes I tell jokes so bad, but so bad, that in the end these are good hahaha.


Lol, yeah. Happens with me too. My jokes are sometimes so bad that they start laughing at me instead of the jokes. But it get the job done. The motive was to make them laugh right😅

Maybe this happes with everyone.

Come on, if you make someone laugh, for whatever reason, you've already done a good deed for the day.

We should try to be people who have a good influence on others, so that when they remember us, those memories evoke good feelings instead of negative ones...

True...push for the positivity and a good joke...or a bad one😅