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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

Although, I would want a number of skills like to be better at negotiations or to calm down other people who are going mad, or be good at photography etc.

One skill I would definitely like to have is to be funny.

A lot of times, I try to be funny, and people take it as a sarcastic comment and get irritated😅

I guess I am bad at being funny.

It would have helped me during my childhood days, when I was a real introvert, and wouldn't talk to anyone at all.

Maybe, I would have made more friends being funny. As everyone wants to be around funny you😅


Having a sense of humour is an important attribute I think; it disarms people and can open relationships nicely. I don't know you other than on hive but I'd still say that you could be funny, you sort of are with some of your comments. I wonder why you say your not?

It's funny you think I'm funny. I guess I am but I can be way too serious too! I'm many different things and work hard to be the right thing at the right time. Oh, just so you know, a lot of my humorous side is people laughing at me. I don't mind; the ability to accept people laughing at me is a strength I think. Also, I'm terrible at telling jokes. Definitely not my thing.

work hard to be the right thing at the right time

I guess this is one of your best skill, to do the right thing at the right time.

It might not help to be funny at work when you have to be serious and lead people, teach them, or to be funny at gun range might result in accidents.

You know when to be serious, when to be calm, and when to be funny. You have got that ability, I know.

I was just saying, you have a sense of humor when you interact with people here, on your posts and on others. And that's a rare ability. Being wise, funny, humorous, hard working.
Maybe you are a man of multiple talents

Yeah, being funny at the gun range might not go so well but there's places for it...Sometimes I'm funny when I shouldn't be but I mostly get away with it...Because I'm cute. 😂

In truth mate, I just be me and [mostly] choose the appropriate version for each occasion. Sometimes my versions cross over boundaries and...Yeah, I get in trouble. 😊

Because I'm cute. 😂

True that🤠

Hahaha he is truly a man of multiple talents because making people to laugh and all sorts of other talents in mentioned is nothing other than multiple talents.

In a real sense when people laugh at you it will give you more effort to push ahead. Being funny is indeed the best skill he has up there.

To be a mediator is a great skill. I know of people who are professionals in this act or skill. First of, such people are very diplomatic and neutral in their bids to bringing a peà among people or nations who had been torn apart by one form of disagreement or the other.

Many people have made it great with this very skill he has up there. They have made people who were sad to be happy again. This is just more than skill but talent

Hi, I think this is great what you are saying. Really being funny is a very good thing thinking of others. I mean, to make someone laugh is to make them feel happy for just a moment and that's enough.

I usually tell a lot of jokes when I'm with colleagues or friends, but like you, these are bad jokes and end up creating the opposite effect of what a good joke would create. Although sometimes I tell jokes so bad, but so bad, that in the end these are good hahaha.

Lol, yeah. Happens with me too. My jokes are sometimes so bad that they start laughing at me instead of the jokes. But it get the job done. The motive was to make them laugh right😅

Maybe this happes with everyone.

Come on, if you make someone laugh, for whatever reason, you've already done a good deed for the day.

We should try to be people who have a good influence on others, so that when they remember us, those memories evoke good feelings instead of negative ones...

True...push for the positivity and a good joke...or a bad one😅

You have chosen the best skill so far because making people to laugh and also being funny can bring happiness and joy on people's face. This is amazing skill you got right there. In another way you can also news this skill of yours to make income.