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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Hmm, you sound like me! I know some languages, quite proficiently...

English, Australian, American, British, swear, a little Italian and French too...Also, the international language (of love). What can I say, boy got skillz.

I've heard Spanish is quite difficult to learn but I've never tried it myself. Well, I know one thing...Hola. And...That's all I got. :)


English, Australian, American, British

Haha! Yeah, that's my knuckleheadiness shining through. 🤔🤪

Hahaha YES!

Hahahaha... It's a good language or languages if I may say. Thank god he can speak several languages.

Oh, my God.

The boy got skillz!

My grandfather could cuss you under the table in French. He taught my brothers everything he ever knew in that department.

I can't cuss in French, but when I do it in English but use a French accent...Makes dem laydeez swoon. 😂

Haha! That is French enough. :)


I'm a funny bugger....Or should I say strange?

That's what I keep telling people...Well, demonstrating really. Some get it, some do not.

I wish I can soeak french language as you people do, I would have love it.

Hahaha. I like to say I know Canadian, English, American, and BS, but the truth of the matter is, I'm really only proficient in the last of those.

Haha! Well, you know if you know American and English you might as well add Australian in as well...It's like American and English without the wacky accents! 😁

BS is a legit language too. I'm product.

So you mean America and English we make it wacky?

French language is interesting when compared to other languages. I just wish I can learn how to speak French. English and other languages are even more interesting than French what French is faster when spoken

I do! I even ensure that my phone's dictionary understands that "aboot" is, indeed, a correct spelling!

Hahahaha! I never heard it either, growing up. I moved to the east coast of the US some time ago and, aboot 7 years after living here when my mom came to visit I realised that, yes, we do indeed sound like hosers. 😂

Do they speak English as the general language? Or just Canada? I think they should have a common language with the Americans.

You even tried to have known several languages. I only got passion on speaking French but swayed away when I was still in secondary school just because of the way I saw the language to be.

I like French.

 3 years ago (edited) 

It is...And I'm proficient at the spoken and sign language versions. You know, the hands and all.

Lol...What can I say other than, got tools, know how to use them.

I was going to add it in there but then some smart ass might have said French so I left it out. In truth though, Canadian...Yeah, proficient.

Oh yeah, is like a second language to me. I'm very Canadaeristic.

So I felt relax when you see your fellow who speaks same language as you which is Canada.