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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Baking is a great skill indeed! I can't bake, well, I can but am not that great at it. I can make good scones though. I'm a better eater than I am a baker. Eating comes naturally to me.

I hope you get to get to acquire the skill of baking and can open up your restaurant!


Amazing ✨✨✨
Eating is natural, I can eat a lot as well. I'm just being hopeful that God will provide all the resources I need to actualize it

I think if you take the right actions you'll be able to make your goals come to fruit. 😉

It's true
Thanks for the tips

Taking the right action to me I think is the best otherwise all actions will be put on hold

Everybody loves eating but we should also learn how to make those food possible.

Hahahaha 😀
Exactly dear

@galenkp I totally relate to the 'I'm a better eater than I am a baker'. 😂

Eating is far easier than baking right? More fun too. 🤪

Hehehehe... So, you are a better water that a baker. I only learnt how to bake when I saw my co-teacher bacon on a particular day.