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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

'What's your best attribute?

I always say my long eyelashes. [Not really.]

The ability to capture and engage an audience with the written word is incredibly difficult indeed, or so I feel. Still, it's an awesome skill and is one that reaches, and often touches, so many people. That book you're writing sounds interesting and I'd say would have wide appeal in society. I know many adoptees, some of whom have dealt with it well and some not so. Interesting stuff Steve.


Sadly, there are al great many adoptees who have not been able to deal with the hand they were dealt. A great deal of guilt and remorse that is unwarranted, but they don't have the ability to reconcile this.

I'll have to see your long eyelashes before I vote on that one, I think! I'm sure they're amazing!!!

Thanks for another engaging weekend topic.