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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

in Weekend Experiences โ€ข 3 years ago (edited)

Skills! We all want them ๐Ÿ˜...
I like this topic of honest self assessment ๐Ÿ˜‚...

I'm going to be modest and say I know how to play basketball!
My love for the game has been well documented (in weekend engagement posts), I've been playing since I was 11... But I also say this knowing there is so much I'm still learning. The past few years have not been my best in the court (I've always been a good shooter but it's not the same at the moment) and I've dealt with injuries and also dealt with the fact that things I could do back in the day don't come that easy any more. So I've been forced to adapt, forced to focus on preparation, eating, stretching and all that stuff that helps you play better...

But also its not just just teaching me about the game itself but also about passing on the knowledge to a younger generation (coaching).

So yes.. My skill is Basketball! ๐Ÿ€โค๏ธ

Sort: ย 

Playing a sport, and coaching in it, are vastly different beasts. Well done you for opening yourself to learn about teaching and coaching. Dare I say a gamechanger?? ๐Ÿ˜†

Hahah gamechanger indeed.. And it did cause me to look at the game differently. Also I get a chance to make sure the kids don't have the same weaknesses i have... e.g. Train your off hand from the start!

Coaching is a great way to extend the longevity of your career with the sport! And of course you must also take care of yourself... stretch, eat well, and the other things you have found help you play better.

Stretching! Stretching is underrated!
Back in the day I could wake up and start jumping, hahaha now I have to think twice!

Eating well should be the best as playing basketball deserves that as it is stressful.

Basketball had been a dream sport for me until I discovered my height would work against me. However, I usually find solace each time I see Iverson in the basketball court dunking and making some nice shots.

Iverson! That's a hall of famer right there!
He used to out hustle everybody, just put it all on the line!
There are also other short players that play very well, so how bad do you want it?

You're right. Basketball is always meant for those with greater height but not for those short ones. There is passion been a basketball player.

ย 3 years agoย ย 

I like this topic of honest self assessment

You like all my topics bro! Lol.

the fact that things I could do back in the day don't come that easy any more.

Old age my brother, old age! ๐Ÿ˜

I've never been much of a basketball player but don't mind the game. What I like about your comment is that you're taking what you know and paying forward which I know you've been doing for a while. So, you have two skills in one...The game and coaching/mentoring.

Nice work bro!

Haha true, you keep coming up with great stuff! !
(btw I think I need a refresher course on how to quote people again, makes the replies easier to follow).

Yes! It's been a great journey, and while I'm explaining things to the kids I remind myself of things I need to do better too.

On another note, come to think of it, I'm not sure I have any skills with tools. Which is weird cause it's very much in the whole "man's man" image society has. I mean I can use a wrench, hammer and screwdrivers but it's not like I can suddenly take apart a carburateur or carve wood ๐Ÿ˜‚. Maybe I need to challenge myself...

ย 3 years agoย ย 

Hey, doesn't matter if you know how to use tools, as long as you have them! Lol.

(btw I think I need a refresher course on how to quote people again, makes the replies easier to follow).

> (btw I think I need a refresher course on how to quote people again, makes the replies easier to follow).

Use the '>' symbol.

It means he loves the game as passion and also loves coaching as a career. It's great to have the two combination but one must go and allow the remaining one to stay..

I could sling HOTDOGS in the arena where you are showing off those MADD SKILLZ.!!



Juss' Sayin'...

Haha oh man! The hot dogs again!

I'm not gonna say no to a few after the game tho ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

I am gonna have 1 for lunch, hell maybe 2. Like @galenkp with coffee and donuts.

Photographic proof to follow.


Throw one my way! With mustard and kraut! Please.

The Sno Cap Drive Inn at Seligman, AZ. Famous place, all the Grand Canyon tour busses stop there. He has a mustard bottle with a yellow string in it that he squirts on people a couple of times an hour. Great fun.


You Can NOT go wrong with Hotdog Humour...



OK... Maybe I can... Lmao

Do You believe @bigtom13 some crazy ol knucklehead had the nerve to call me a Gif-over-user..?

The proper term is Gif-God

Or that I suffer from...



Those mouths!

I know right...


There are a lot worse skills to drag around with you than Basketball. It's a potential life skill when you pair the coaching with it.

I'm glad I got started on this journey!

Physical activities are definitely good skills to have! Too many people "don't know how" to stay active. Basketball is definitely a great one and, like soccer/futball, can be played aboot anywhere.

Hahah we can always walk right?
I think people just like couches a lot ๐Ÿ˜‚

A pretty cool skill to have. I have a cousin who plays at professional level. He even went to the previous Olympics with the National team.

Yeah you mentioned it last time. There are also a few Venezuelan guys playing here now

Sometimes I forget! ๐Ÿ˜…

Passing on knowledge in game skills once obtained, is a great way to stay active in the sport itself.

Gave me some renewed energy!

Good kick start needed here...


Many people today are doing so well in their area of skills and yours is exceptional. Basketball is a selling skill and having that as a skill is the best as it can make you to exercise your body to the fullest.
Great skill

I'm a little confused at "selling skill"... What does it mean?