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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

wow great skill that I also lack, I fill myself with a thousand things and no matter how much I want to throw away there is always something I leave for later, the idea of selling is good, but sometimes I would like someone else to come and take everything without me seeing it.


Oh yes, that would be ideal, @jennynas! Then we don't have to see it go out the door, and probably wouldn't miss it.

That's right, if you see it you put it away again, you can think of a thousand ways to use it and it stays in the same place again, hahaha. We can help each other, I'll take out your stuff and you take out mine .... Jajajaj

Ha ha. I like this plan, @jennynas! I have a great women's group, we call "House Girls." There are four of us and each month we meet at one of our houses to do a project. That means I get three turns a year. Sometimes we do gardening or room painting, but my favorite projects are decluttering. Four women can completely overhaul and declutter several rooms and closets in a few hours!