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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago (edited)

I call it de-cluttering and it's the most rewarding and liberating feeling once I've thrown away those things; still have a long way to go, but I have started as we are getting to the stage in life where we will be selling up and moving to a smaller place! Just do it, start with small things like only clearing out a drawer at first; small beginnings make it less painful but one almost feels lighter when you've started throwing unnecessary things out!


Yes, that's it exactly, @lizelle. It's such a liberating feeling. And you do feel lighter when cupboards and closets are cleaned out, and you have just the things you need. I have vowed to myself multiple times to get better at this, as I do love the feeling it gives me to declutter. And we will also downsize our home at some point! I must start now.