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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

I have definitely struggled with having too many things put away in cabinets and drawers. I use spring cleaning time as well as December break to remove any excess items that I don't need or sell and donate few things. Over the last two years, the clutter has accumulated way less than before.


That is clever, @moon-city. I think you really make a good point. One must make a very concerted effort, including setting time aside at certain points throughout the year, to declutter. It's a great feeling, isn't it?

Thank you for your comment Jayna! It feels extremely good. In fact sometimes when I am down, I find myself randomly cleaning up my space just to feel a little better.

Side note: there is no better feelimg than walking into a kitchen in the morning with no dishes to clean. Great feeling.

I agree completely, @moon-city. It's rarely the case around my house, as I have a family and the kids come and go and leave messes everywhere. But I often spend my first hour of the day clearing everything away and cleaning off all the counter tops. Even knowing it will quickly degrade, it's a great way to start the day.