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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

I used to be very introverted. It can change if you work at it a bit at a time and give yourself a little nudge when you need to. It took me a long time, but I'm now about 50 percent introvert/50 percent extrovert. Always though, I need time to be with myself, especially if I get drained from too much social activity.


When I was a kid I would never answer the phone. Instead I used to bring phone to my parents. Even now I get nervous when I have to call someone I don't know.

I can be glad when I meet friends. When someone visits my home. Few hours later I am already thinking ,,Shouldn't you go home already?''. Interacting with people tires and drains me very quickly.
Watching basketball games is just about the only time when I really enjoy being with many other people.
I made progress but I am not likely to live long enough to completely change.😜