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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

I am quite happy with my creative skills. Creating makes me happy and it seems that people like my art. But I don't think that I have the best skills to sell. I tried doing discounts, changing prices, in nft showroom I tried making either 1 more expensive version or multiple cheaper ones... I have gifted many of my pieces and despite that I still have many unsold pieces:


Those ,,people skills'' would be useful not only in selling my art but also here on Hive. I know that I could earn more if I would be more social and at times I try to do that but soon I go back to my old ways. Interacting only with few people I already know, focused on making my own posts and rarely commenting anything... I don't think that I will ever change. super introvert is just who I am.

I would like to get better at playing splinterlands. Increasing my winning percentage seems more realistic than becoming someone else. It doesn't require much of interaction. Patience for slowly getting better and imagination for new combinations...belief in myself and my success...And a stubbornness to not give up. I think that these requirements and conditions are made for me.


How about you make it a game?
A challenge if you will...
Talk/comment to one new person on Hive every week... It's doesn't have to be a full blown conversation (unless it flow naturally), but just a well thought out comment on their post...
You in?

I could try that.

He just needs to try if you can make it a contest yeh kaun hive. I think it's the best way to start it.

In the contrary, int ink what you do continuously plays out to become skill for you. If you keep doing the same thing over and again, it becomes a part of you, a skill is coined from that.
Keep bringing you designs and think of what you could add to make it come out better than the previous ones you have had. That's how skill are birthed.

you are right thank you very much.

If I stop he will never get the best but when he make 8 continuous then he can be able to get the best out of it.

Just like they say, learning brings perfection.

I thought you'd mention your art and creativity, as you should!

I know nothing about Splinterlands but having a skill that can also return some income is a legit skill for sure!

belief in myself and my success

This is a skill in itself. ✅

I know nothing about Splinterlands

@tarazkp started playing just recently so maybe one day you will try as well? Now would be a perfect time to start because for a year we are getting a daily airdrop(today is only 18 day of the airdrop do you still have a lot of time).

Oh yeah, my brother has been getting into it...We haven't spoken about it yet but maybe we will...I might get on there and do some battles of whatever they're called. I'm handy in a battle. :)

A viking warrior in splinterlands🏹

I might get confused between a digital axe and real life one...Could get messy for those I battle.

I am sure when they see you, they will surrender. No one will take a chance to fight a well trained viking warrior.

And a few brave ones, who have armors and shields will get on defensive mode😅

Would be fun to see you talk about viking and war strategies combined with splinterlands battles.

I have played some battles recently. It's fun. But I am already playing few games like Dcity and Dcrops. Splinterlands takes a lot of time daily. So, I stopped. Might come back once I have disciplined my day more, or the value of cards drop a little.

Anyways, it would be fun to watch you play and then read about your battle stories🤠

I don't have the time to dedicate to gaming of any kind and to be honest I'm actually not very interested. I used to play a few on PlayStation and PC but that was so many years ago. I'm more interested in being in the outdoors. I reckon I'd be up for a real life Viking battle though; what's the worst that could happen? 😉

Don't know where you got this photo of me.

In as far that this one can return income for him, I think it is the best skill so far..

super introvert is just who I am.

Me too😅

Selling art is not an easy task; there is a reason the "starving artist" persona is so well known.

I, too, am an introvert. I have found that it helps to make that known right up front when interactive with new people. I once volunteered on a sailing ship and, at the team's first dinner, I introduced myself by outright admitting that meeting new people sends me into internal hysterics and that one of the reasons for volunteering was to help manage that. It worked! It helped me, and the others on the team were very welcoming about it.

Selling art is not an easy task; there is a reason the "starving artist" persona is so well known.

At least now gamers can thrive...

Were you on that ship for long?

I left a job to attempt a career at professional photography. That lasted as long as it took to realise I still had to support my family, so it wasn't very long. I had then decided that it would be "a side hustle." It never turned into that, and it is just now a hobby I enjoy, much like writing or designing games.

It is true that no matter how hard we try not all your ideas are gonna succeed. At times just wishing for something to happen is not enough to turn them in reality.

Yeah, let's get on the commenting train. I have neglected that part of Hive interaction and it's missing a lot from the whole experience. Around here, the more the merrier. Let's get commenting! That's how the magic begins around here.

Ok I will start writing commenting...

Ha, ha, ha. My...It's been so long since I saw that. Sometimes just telling people they did a good job with their posts is enough. At least it's a start.

As I age the more introverted I become. Growing up I was sup extrovert. Your humor is fantastic whatever vert you claim, just sayin.

Tjisnis s great choice and great skill you have here. Although, I don't know what is called splinterland.

Keep winning and keep keeping your dreams as this will go along way to bring you success on the quest of winning. Be determined to obtain ypur goal

You are right.

aim for the moon if you miss you'll land among the stars

When I was a kid I would never answer the phone. Instead I used to bring phone to my parents. Even now I get nervous when I have to call someone I don't know.

I can be glad when I meet friends. When someone visits my home. Few hours later I am already thinking ,,Shouldn't you go home already?''. Interacting with people tires and drains me very quickly.
Watching basketball games is just about the only time when I really enjoy being with many other people.
I made progress but I am not likely to live long enough to completely change.😜