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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

I thought you were looking for the word heirloom, lol. I've saved seeds from such produce and grown them, so that's another one I forgot to add in there.

Mistakes are the best way to learn. It teaches so much more I find and gives an intimate connection to what you're doing. What does failing do for you? I'm curious now.

I've wanted to cuddle a koala since I was a child, LOL, mind reader. The best I had was a stuffed one, that was all. I think those koalas are spoiled with your hugs. 😂

Oh yes, definitely the AMA, I won't say a word, all quiet now on that front.

I will and I'll focus on what you've suggested in terms of ideas.


My dad always told me that failure helps me become the the right person to accept success, and brings me closer to it. Failing is how I learn although I learn from success too - Just more from failure. I don't fear it, although I never set out to achieve it of course. Failure is a good thing. Fail more should be a constant in people's lives as it means they've tried.

Koala's have tried in the past to steal my thunder, take the accolade of worlds best hugger from me...Can't happen though. A G-dog hug is like...Well, must be received to be believed! :)

They have some claws for sure...One doesn't want to get on the wrong side of them.

Hmm, no hug-photos, always so engrossed in the hug so there's no time for selfies. World-class hugging takes focus.

A bit out of focus but this is me mid-hug with @smallsteps, my niece in Finland. She's the second bet hugger in the world. I taught her everything she knows.


 3 years ago (edited) 

It was her birthday yesterday. Five. I miss her so much. I sent a heap of stuff for her though which I saw a video of her opening. Cuteness personified. 😞