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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

We have a Neighborhood House in my town. Anything you don't need, you can pack in a box and drop it off at the Neighborhood House. Volunteers go through it and organize it. Sometimes, you can see people walk up to the porch and collect stuff that's been left. It's much easier to let go of stuff when you see that. Sometimes I give away stuff now that I might have use for because I know it's better to see someone walk off with my almost new pair of shoes than to have that pair sit in a closet.

Neighborhood House is one of the best antidotes to hoarding:)


Wonderful. I love donating in ways that benefit others!

This will give room to those who need them to consult the neighbor's house. It is a best method to keep those things away from the house.

You are right. I just wish that there is a place of such right here in my country were one can drop used things which may useful to people.
I think the person who built that place should receive kudos.

They are wonderful.
All volunteers.

That is brilliant, @nineclaws. It's a win-win for everyone. Can I stop by with several closets full of stuff? Ha ha.

That is a wonderful idea!

We have something similar in our community but, they put it in the community bulletin, which is sent electronically every Friday. Or people put it our curbside with a sign if it is big. Take me! :)

:) Me too! I have found some of the coolest things!