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RE: Plagiarism, Pitchforks, & Witch-Hunts... Hive-Style!

in Loving HIVE ❤3 years ago

There are very few truly original ideas in this world. Culture advances by people sorting through and advancing the best existing ideas.

The cancel culture went after the guy who started #inktober after someone made the claim of plagiarism. Here is my post on that drama .

The people on LeoFinance use to encourage newbies to drop their #introduceyourself post on their forum. Starting a HIVE account is a de facto financial decision. I am sad to here that they started giving introductory posts a DV. I will start recommending that newbies avoid using LeoFinance.

The copyright issue is driven in part by legal issues. HIVE has to actively defend against actions that could be construed as copyright infringement to avoid lawsuits. Copyright problems are especially prominent with images.

The "copy and paste" issue has a lot to do with the way that Googlebot categorizes information. Googlebot is extremely adept at finding text and images that were copied. Google demotes web sites that have too much copied content. Of course the way HIVE tribes handle tags means that the platform produces a dozen sites that appear to be copy and paste jobs.

IMHO, HIVE has a serious problem with tag spam. This is where people list a large number of money making tags on each post regardless of relevancy. Tag spam really bugs me.

Unfortunately, several whales engage in tag spam to maximize their profits; so we can't complain about that problem. It is stupid to have a platform where we can't do anything to counter the bad actions of the large accounts.

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Very good point about how culture advances through idea-sorting.

I'd not heard about that inktober drama, but I'm not surprised.

I also wasn't aware of that LeoFinance change (any similarities in my story were unintended.) I suppose they have to do whatever they feel is best for their community. Hmm.

Yeah, copyright is a thing, but on most platforms (YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) I've not seen it really be an issue in the early years, simple cease & desist suffices until the platform grows quite large.

I'd heard Google no longer penalized 'duplicate content' as heavily or at all. I'd have to look further into it.

I believe most platforms have a problem with tag spam, and I agree it'd be nice if we could address it in some productive way.

Thanks very much for sharing all your valuable insights here. Definitely a lot of food for thought, much appreciated and wishing you a great evening. 🙏

I think if you aren't earning from it, then it's hard to get a plagiarism claim to stick, so pointless going after people on most sites sharing things all over the place. The issue with Hive is the earnings side of things.

You raise a good point, financial incentive has interesting effects on issues that would be relatively clear-cut otherwise. That said, there are people earning money off their audiences, as well as plagiarized content, on all these platforms. Many people have an Instagram business, or make bank off their YT channel, plagiarized or not. Is that any different from Hive? If so, to what degree? Hmmm...thanks for giving me more to think on @minismallholding ! Wishing you a great day! 🙏

I am sad to here that they started giving introductory posts a DV. I will start recommending that newbies avoid using LeoFinance.

This is really sad. Every Hive community should encourage newbies to create and post their #introduceyourself posts, instead of scaring them away. LeoFinance is ruining both their own image and the image of Hive, because this makes Hive an unwelcoming place, a place to avoid from the outsider perspective. I thought that we (the entire Hive community) would like to achieve the opposite. To have more and more new and active users. But this is not going to happen, if we scare them away right at their introduction. This is not the way to mass adoption.

When LEO was a welcoming community, their stock rose. The exclusivity seems to be making the value of the coin drop.

IMHO: The really big problem is with tag spam. IMHO, Scotbot should only give alt-coins if the coin tag is in the first two positions. This eliminates most of the tag abuse as people would return to using only the relevant tags in the their posts.

BTW: I've noticed through the months that LEO users are often the worst for abusing the tags of other tribes. So, there attempts to push down others is simply a display of hypocrisy.


This was an issue with a Blacklist and has been fixed 👍


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I haven't seen anyone downvoting on LeoFinance for intro posts. If I see posts that do not have a financial topic, I greet the user, give a small upvote and tell them what the community is about.

I'm not saying it didn't happen, I am saying LEO is working to avoid being petty and mean when sharing odd cultural rules and things that take time to understand.. like tags, topics etc.