My Actifit Report Card: May 18 2024

in Actifit14 days ago

The tournament round went better than expected. I managed not to make the usual number of embarisingly bad putts, lol. This resulted in one of the best ever tournmant rounds.

It's looking good for the second round tomorrow, but I've got to stay focused. I played rather conservatively today. If the weather is better tomorrow, I might open up a bit more. It was cold and a bit rainy off and on today, but the conditions were not so bad.

Altogether, I had a not of fun today.

It is tough to take any pictures during a tournament because it takes me a lot of concentration to stay in the game. There is a lot to think about with entering scores, keeping tabs on the wind, adjusting gear, and trying to figure out the best disc to throw next.


Thanks for reading! I always value your support and comments. The pictures were taken by me with my Galaxy S22 Ultra. Text and graphics copyright lightsplasher & litesplasher.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Golf


Good to hear you played well today my friend!👍
I think doggy is happy as well that you had a good day!😄

Congrats on the tournament! You will do fine tomorrow, I'm sure! Doggie is looking cute as ever.

Excellent job with your 11602 @actifit steps for the day. Take care and good luck tomorrow!

Good afternoon friends, best wishes to all of us today's operations.. I am very happy today to look back at the pictures you showed and I think the fur on the doggie. For today I also congratulate you on carrying out your activities smoothly.

Where you find Doggie? Looking so adorable 🥰

Sitting comfortably and staring in one direction she (dog) must be watching her favourite show!😅

Glad to hear good news from the tournament you participated in

Congratulations on the good score guys.
Hopefully tomorrow will get a better score.

And a very cute dog picture. Thank you for sharing❤❤

Awnnnnn...Doggie looks so lovely here🤗
Nice to know you had a great tournament and even more than you had expected. I wish you the best in your second round tomorrow.

The doggie seems excited about the photo.. Cool.
Have a nice weekend @lightsplasher


I hope and have high hopes that you will do well because you work hard and hard work always brings good things.

The dog is looking very beautiful.

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11.6 k activity report is excellent and dog pics is so beautiful

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Glad to hear that you did great well and perform quite well in the tournament today friend. I know you will not disappoint us.

That's fantastic to hear! It sounds like you really nailed it out there on the course. Avoiding those embarrassing putts must have felt great, and it's impressive that you had one of your best tournament rounds despite the challenging weather. It's also smart to play conservatively when the conditions aren't ideal. I bet you'll do even better tomorrow if the weather cooperates! Staying focused is key, and it seems like you have a good strategy in place. Enjoy the rest of the tournament, and good luck!

stay healthy!💪🙏

I'm still having fun on the course and gradually improving. That's a nice thing for me. I think it does help me to stay healthy. It is nice to see you active and posting again.