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RE: Little Fluffy Clouds

in The MINIMALIST10 months ago

Haw... always here to check in and say hey hello. You are welcome, dear one. Anytime!

All that honest connecting serves me as much as it serves you, y'know. That's how it works. :D

Glad to hear you're meandering on. I hope you're enjoying the journey!

I am loving this process now.

I so needed to shift and was so scared to get back out there again. I lost a part of me a while back and it's out there in the wide open spaces and freedom of movement. I forgot! How much I need to move to be happy. So yes. Thank you. I'm busy transforming here... although it feels more like transmuting now. And past due.

In progress and all will be well! It's exciting now. And it's only been really sad for a very long time for me.

It's a very interesting process and I'll write about it when it's done. I'm still in it :)

Take care of you and again... always here if you need a chat or summink.


I hope you're enjoying the journey!

Very much. It's helped me reconnect with some people very dear to me who, having started the journey before me, had become alienated.

How much I need to move to be happy.

<3 To grow. You have to move. Wilting is movement of a sort too, remember. So I don't think there's a way to avoid moving entirely ;) I'm glad you've found your way out. And that you're excited about this change, you deserve it.

Oh... I dunno if it's a way out. There's no way out! :D

But a way it is. We ill see where it goes.

This evening, however, I am dancing again :)

Sending love. And yes. We connect and disconnect and reconnect as we travel. I think if we are doing it authentically. It's cool you reconnected with some humans along the way ❤️