What's been happening recently in the Shire?

in Photography Lovers7 months ago

Hello dear friends and Hivers, as you may know, we're back home after far too much time spent in the city. But the most important thing is that we're here now, ready for new adventures... or for the continuation of those already under way !

Here's a small image from the road leading to the little hamlet where the house is located. Don't worry, I was stationary at the time and not driving !

Here's the house and the Virginia creeper that covers it, decked out in its autumn colors.

Here are some trees waiting to be planted. These are newcomers, but I'll tell you more about them in a few days' time... A little patience, but they're not in the ground yet as I write these lines :)

One other piece of news worth mentioning is that we've received our first delivery of wood! 5 cubic meters in total, and as we go through this episode, I can't help but mention @delishtreats and @ph1102 with whom we recently discussed firewood and in particular how difficult it can be to move all that volume !

Making a beginner's mistake and thinking we were doing the right thing : we took all the wet wood straight into our garage ! Unfortunately, it was only afterwards that we came across a few neighbors who all told us that we should leave the wood to dry outside...

So one of our operations over the next few days will be to take everything outside to a covered shelter ! It's going to be great fun !

But after two consecutive days of rain, our ten minutes of sunshine at the end of the day came to gild the meadow above the house !

We took the opportunity to take a well-deserved break, and I have to say that in this kind of light, I slightly regretted not having my camera instead of my mobile phone ! But hey, it looks great already and I'm sure you'll have enjoyed this little report too :)

Thank you for your visit and for taking the time to read it. I hope you all have a lovely day,



All texts and images here are my own.

Bonjour chers amis et Hivers, nous voilà donc de retour chez nous après beaucoup trop de temps passé en ville. Mais l'essentiel c'est que nous sommes dorénavant bien là, prêts pour de nouvelles aventures... ou pour la continuation des précédentes déjà amorcées !

Voilà une petite image depuis la route qui nous mène au petit hameau où se trouve la maison. Rassurez-vous, j'étais alors à l'arrêt et non pas en pleine conduite !

Voilà la maison et la vigne vierge qui la recouvre et qui s'est parée de ses couleurs automnales.

Là quelques arbres qui attendent d'être plantés. Ceux-ci sont des nouveaux venus, mais je vous en parlerai plus en détail d'ici quelques jours... Un peu de patience donc, mais ils ne sont pas encore en terre au moment où je vous écris ces quelques lignes :)

Une des autres nouvelles qui méritent d'être mentionnées, c'est que nous avons reçu notre première livraison de bois ! 5 stères cubiques au total et en passant par cet épisode, je ne peux m'empêcher de mentionner @delishtreats et @ph1102 avec lesquels nous avons récemment discuté de bois de chauffage et notamment de la difficulté que cela peut être de déplacer tout ce volume !

Erreur de débutants tout en ayant pensé bien faire : nous avons rentré tout ce bois mouillé directement dans notre garage ! Malheureusement, ce n'est qu'après coup que nous avons croisé quelques voisins qui nous ont tous dit qu'il fallait laisser le bois sécher en extérieur...

Une de nos opérations des jours qui viennent sera donc de tout ressortir dans un abri couvert dehors ! Ça va être du sport !

Mais après deux jours de pluie consécutifs, voilà nos dix minutes de soleil en fin de journée qui viennent dorer la prairie au dessus de la maison !

Nous en profitons pour faire une pause bien méritée et je dois dire que devant une pareille lumière, j'ai légèrement regretté de ne pas avoir mon appareil photo à la place de celui de mon téléphone portable ! Mais bon, cela rend déjà très bien et je suis sûr que vous aurez aussi apprécié ce petit reportage :)

Merci pour votre visite et le temps de votre lecture, je vous souhaite une très belle journée à tous,



Tous les textes et images sont les miens.


You can build some sort of a partly covered shed where you can protect your wood from the rain before it dries. It's good that someone told you not to put it in the garage 😊

We don't see much of your house, but I'm sure it is charming.

Are these fruit trees?

Yeah, that's the plan to build a closer shelter, it will help a lot in the future... not to break our backs haha 😂 !

This is true, will probably share more of the house, but in fact, it's still a bit camping style ^^

Those are (almost) all fruits trees, I will surely do an update soon 😄

Have a good new week start dear @delishtreats 😘

cities are great to visit......then leave, give me the stillness of te countryside any time

Exactly ! You nailed it 😉 !

cheers, my friend

☺️ Have a good day !

you too 👍

Wow... That photo with the house covered in autumn colors is beautiful!!!


Oh, I can see that you set up a small gym in the garage! 😃 😂

Making a beginner's mistake and thinking we were doing the right thing : we took all the wet wood straight into our garage ! Unfortunately, it was only afterwards that we came across a few neighbors who all told us that we should leave the wood to dry outside...

If you can open windows in opposite parts of the garage, wood could dry inside too... That's how they dry ham in Spain, so why not do that with wood too... 😃

Yeah, this is the good season when the light hit and heat (just a bit) the house 😊

Oh, I can see that you set up a small gym in the garage!

Indeed 😂 !!!

Yeah, I think that for the moment, we'll just let this like that, it already took us to much efforts hehe !

Have a nice weekend 👍

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You spent some time visiting a very interesting city, I think from the pictures you posted it shows an old city that is no longer maintained, is that right...?

Nope, no old city here, just a little hamlet !

Oh yes, I mean the village where the houses are old and not well maintained... I saw a lot of fallen leaves that weren't cleaned up.

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Bet you can't wait to spend time at your new place in winter, it must have a lovely atmosphere compared to the city. Will you be hosting Christmas dinner there this year?

You guessed right ! Can't wait for colder times there to cocoon properly 😅 !

But for Christmas, I believe we will be with family in the city, next year maybe in the country house ?

How are you feeling in you new house btw ?

I hope you're having a lovely weekend ✌️😘

You have a great stockpile of firewood, we have a lot more in our garage, probably enough to last us for a couple of years 🤣

Haha ! I can image that and I would be curious to see some pictures of it !

But for the moment, that will be enough, we're only there for some weeks and mostly weekends :))

I can take a pic for you when I go there

An heart touching and much impressive sight for which you have shoot. Decoration with little Hamlet is much appreciat able. Your tour shows that you are living in too much beautiful areas.


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