Cherry Blossoms

in Photography Lovers2 months ago

Look what I found at the street

Such a nice looking tree. Means I had to stop to take some pictures. Now I collected some more facts and hope you enjoy the result.


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Cherry blossoms, known as sakura in Japan, have a rich history, especially in Japanese culture where they symbolize the transient nature of life due to their short blooming period. The tradition of hanami, which is picnicking under a blooming sakura tree, dates back centuries in Japan and is still practiced widely during the blooming season.

Some closer views


Cherry blossom trees are found in temperate climates across the globe, particularly in East Asia, the United States (with famous ones in Washington, D.C.), and parts of Europe. They are often planted in public parks and gardens, and their flowering season is a popular time for festivals and viewing parties. This beauty is from Aachen, Germany where is decorates a parking place close to the main railway station.



The tree and his lifespan

Cherry blossom trees, particularly those of the ornamental varieties, have a lifespan that can range quite a bit depending on the species and growing conditions. Most ornamental cherry trees, like those commonly found in parks and lining city streets, typically live between 30 to 40 years. However, some species and well-cared-for trees can live longer, even up to 100 years or more in ideal conditions.


Several factors influence the lifespan of a cherry tree:

  1. Species: Some are naturally longer-lived than others.
  2. Environment: Trees in favorable growing conditions with the right soil, sunlight, and climate will generally live longer.
  3. Care: Regular maintenance including proper pruning, watering, and fertilization can extend a tree’s life.
  4. Disease and Pest Resistance: Some varieties are more resistant to diseases and pests, which can significantly affect longevity.
  5. Stress: Trees that experience less environmental stress, such as physical damage, pollution, or extreme weather conditions, tend to live longer.


Some facts about a healthy life

To ensure a long and healthy life for your cherry blossom tree, provide it with the best care possible and keep an eye out for any signs of distress. Regularly checking for pests and diseases can help catch issues early before they become serious.

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pic by @detlev

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Now I have seen cherry blossoms that close 😍😍😍

Wieso erinnert mich diese Blütenpracht ständig an einen Spruch, den mein Kumpel einst neben sein Pils auf der Theke in unserer Stammkneipe verewigte? Es war der Moment, als er, nur wenige Schritte von uns entfernt, eine wunderbar anzuschauende weibliche Blüte ausmachte, die allerdings „unantastbar“ schien. »Was nutzt mir der ganze Augenschmaus, wenn ich nachher nichts daran zu knabbern habe?« 😉

Muuuuaaahhhh - sehr treffend.

Lass mich mal ein paar Monate abwarten, die Früchte prüfen und dann reden wir wieder.

Soweit mir bekannt ist, tragen diejenigen, die auf Blüte gezüchtet sind, keine Früchte.
Alles nach dem Motto: Einmal sich von der besten Seite zeigen, sich den Wind durch Zweige und Blätter wehen lassen und in aller Ruhe abwarten, bis es wieder Frühling wird.

These are beautiful shots, wow. and the cherry blossoms too.

Beautiful flowers and interesting information!

Wow, your shots of cherry blossoms are extraordinarily beautiful.