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RE: Prisms - Light Painting on Hive

in Photography Lovers • 2 years ago

While lighting this picture, I heard my beer bottle, which was on the tripod, fall over. Shortly afterwards I heard a loud smacking sound. A hedgehog had knocked over the bottle and was drinking my beer with relish.

😂 I see now why all the creatures head your way at night. I had wondered why only bring two beer and even more so reading this.

The green one, the orange one and the first camera rotation are my favs, although I like both camera rotations, the double figures and other differences in the first one really appeal to me.

I looked at this "critter" thing and boy, oh boy, does that look fun.


Thanks 😊
Don't think a about the Critter flashlight. Great colours but expect from that a piece of crap.

Didn't mean to drop out of conversation suddenly, had things come up I had to attend to and catching up now.

So the Critter flashlight is a piece of crap, good to know. I can't seem to stop thinking about lightpainting, as I went by a place today that might work (and not make myself a target), if there's not too much light from other sources.